ai | |
heavy | |
jdbc | |
HeavyAIArray | |
KeyLoader | |
S_struct | |
Options | |
HeavyAIConnection | |
Connection_properties | |
HeavyAIData | |
HeavyAIDatabaseMetaData | |
HeavyAIDriver | |
HeavyAIEscapeFunctions | |
HeavyAIEscapeParser | |
EscapeFunctions | |
Pair | |
Parser_return | |
HeavyAIExceptionText | |
HeavyAIPreparedStatement | |
HeavyAIResultSet | |
HeavyAIResultSetMetaData | |
HeavyAIStatement | |
HeavyAIType | |
HeavyAIArrayTest | |
HeavyAIColumnTypeTest | |
Answer | |
HeavyAIConnectionTest | |
HeavyAIDatabaseMetaDataTest | |
QueryStruct | |
HeavyAIGeomTest | |
HeavyAIPrepareTest | |
HeavyAIStatementTest | |
Property_loader | |
alter_column_shared | |
analyze_benchmark | |
BenchmarkLoader | |
BenchAnalyzer | |
PrettyPrint | |
Analyzer | |
anonymous_namespace{Analyzer.cpp} | |
Expr | |
ColumnVar | |
ExpressionTuple | |
Var | |
Constant | |
UOper | |
BinOper | |
RangeOper | |
Subquery | |
InValues | |
InIntegerSet | |
MLPredictExpr | |
PCAProjectExpr | |
CharLengthExpr | |
KeyForStringExpr | |
SampleRatioExpr | |
CardinalityExpr | |
LikeExpr | |
RegexpExpr | |
WidthBucketExpr | |
LikelihoodExpr | |
AggExpr | |
CaseExpr | |
ExtractExpr | |
DateaddExpr | |
DatediffExpr | |
DatetruncExpr | |
StringOper | Expression class for string functions The "arg" constructor parameter must be an expression that resolves to a string datatype (e.g. TEXT) |
LowerStringOper | |
UpperStringOper | |
InitCapStringOper | |
ReverseStringOper | |
RepeatStringOper | |
ConcatStringOper | |
PadStringOper | |
TrimStringOper | |
SubstringStringOper | |
OverlayStringOper | |
ReplaceStringOper | |
SplitPartStringOper | |
RegexpReplaceStringOper | |
RegexpSubstrStringOper | |
RegexpCountStringOper | |
JsonValueStringOper | |
Base64EncodeStringOper | |
Base64DecodeStringOper | |
UrlEncodeStringOper | |
UrlDecodeStringOper | |
TryStringCastOper | |
PositionStringOper | |
JarowinklerSimilarityStringOper | |
LevenshteinDistanceStringOper | |
HashStringOper | |
FunctionOper | |
FunctionOperWithCustomTypeHandling | |
OffsetInFragment | |
OrderEntry | |
WindowFrame | |
WindowFunction | |
ArrayExpr | |
GeoUOper | |
GeoBinOper | |
TargetEntry | |
Query | |
GeoExpr | |
GeoColumnVar | |
GeoConstant | |
GeoOperator | |
GeoTransformOperator | |
RangeTableEntry | |
Estimator | |
NDVEstimator | |
LargeNDVEstimator | |
anonymous_namespace{AbstractMLModel.h} | |
anonymous_namespace{ArithmeticIR.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{ArrowImporter.h} | |
DataBufferBase | |
DataBuffer | |
ArrowValueBase | |
ArrowValue | |
ArrowValue< void * > | |
ArrowValue< bool > | |
ArrowValue< float > | |
ArrowValue< double > | |
ArrowValue< int64_t > | |
ArrowValue< std::string > | |
ArrowValue< arrow::Decimal128 > | |
anonymous_namespace{ArrowResultSet.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{ArrowResultSetConverter.cpp} | |
ResultSetBuffer | |
null_type | |
null_type< TYPE, std::enable_if_t< std::is_integral< TYPE >::value > > | |
null_type< TYPE, std::enable_if_t< std::is_floating_point< TYPE >::value > > | |
anonymous_namespace{BoundingBoxIntersectJoinHashTable.cpp} | |
HashTableProps | |
TuningState | |
BucketSizeTuner | |
anonymous_namespace{BufferEntryUtils.h} | |
anonymous_namespace{CachingFileMgr.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{Calcite.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{Calcite.h} | |
anonymous_namespace{CastIR.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{CgenState.cpp} | |
GpuFunctionDefinition | |
GpuFunction | |
anonymous_namespace{ColumnarResults.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{ColumnFetcher.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{ColumnIR.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{CommandLineOptions.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{CompareIR.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{ConstantIR.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{CpuMgrArenaAllocator.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{DateTimeIR.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{DateTimeParser.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{DateTimePlusRewrite.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{DateTimeTranslator.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{DateTimeUtils.h} | |
anonymous_namespace{DateTruncate.cpp} | |
EraTime | |
anonymous_namespace{Datum.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{DBETypes.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{DBHandler.cpp} | |
ForceDisconnect | |
ProjectionTokensForCompletion | |
anonymous_namespace{DdlCommandExecutor.cpp} | |
AggregratedStorageStats | |
JsonColumnSqlType | Declare this class scoped local to avoid exposing rapidjson in the header file |
JsonColumnEncoding | |
DdlCommandDataImpl | |
anonymous_namespace{DelimitedParserUtils.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{EquiJoinCondition.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{Execute.cpp} | |
GetTargetInfo | |
OutVecOwner | |
anonymous_namespace{ExecutionKernel.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{ExpressionRange.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{ExpressionRewrite.cpp} | |
OrToInVisitor | |
RecursiveOrToInVisitor | |
ArrayElementStringLiteralEncodingVisitor | |
ConstantFoldingVisitor | |
anonymous_namespace{ExtensionFunctionsArray.hpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{ExtensionFunctionsBinding.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{ExtensionFunctionsGeo.hpp} | |
CoordData | |
Point2D | |
anonymous_namespace{ExtensionFunctionsWhitelist.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{ExtensionsIR.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{ExternalExecutor.cpp} | |
OmniSciVtab | |
OmniSciCursor | |
DecodedString | |
anonymous_namespace{ExtractFromTime.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{ForeignDataImporter.cpp} | |
FragmentBuffers | |
anonymous_namespace{ForeignDataWrapperFactory.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{ForeignStorageMgr.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{FromTableReordering.cpp} | |
SchedulingDependencyTracking | |
TraversalEdge | |
anonymous_namespace{GeoIR.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{GpuMemUtils.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{GpuSharedMemoryUtils.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{GroupByAndAggregate.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{HashJoin.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{HashJoinRuntime.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{HashTable.cpp} | |
keyed_hash | |
perfect_hash | |
anonymous_namespace{heavyai_glob.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{HeavyDB.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{heavydbTypes.h} | |
anonymous_namespace{Importer.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{InPlaceSort.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{InputMetadata.cpp} | |
Number64 | |
anonymous_namespace{IRCodegen.cpp} | |
ExprTableIdVisitor | |
anonymous_namespace{JoinFilterPushDown.cpp} | |
BindFilterToOutermostVisitor | |
CollectInputColumnsVisitor | |
anonymous_namespace{JoinHashTableQueryRuntime.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{JoinLoopTest.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{LLVMGlobalContext.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{LogicalIR.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{misc.h} | |
anonymous_namespace{NativeCodegen.cpp} | |
CaseExprDetector | |
anonymous_namespace{ParserWrapper.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{PerfectJoinHashTable.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{QueryExecutionContext.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{QueryFragmentDescriptor.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{QueryMemoryDescriptor.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{QueryMemoryInitializer.cpp} | |
AddNbytes | |
anonymous_namespace{QueryPhysicalInputsCollector.cpp} | |
RelAlgPhysicalInputsVisitor | |
RexPhysicalInputsVisitor | |
RelAlgPhysicalTableInputsVisitor | |
anonymous_namespace{QueryPlanDagExtractor.cpp} | |
IsEquivBinOp | |
OpInfo | |
anonymous_namespace{QueryRewrite.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{QueryRunner.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{QueryTemplateGenerator.cpp} | |
Params | |
anonymous_namespace{RelAlgDag.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{RelAlgDag.cpp} | |
RexInputReplacementVisitor | |
CoalesceSecondaryProjectVisitor | |
RexRebindInputsVisitor | |
RexRebindReindexInputsVisitor | |
PushDownGenericExpressionInWindowFunction | |
RANodeIterator | |
WindowFunctionCollector | |
RexWindowFuncReplacementVisitor | |
RexInputCollector | |
anonymous_namespace{RelAlgDagSerializer.h} | |
is_any_class | |
all_serializable_rel_alg_classes | |
anonymous_namespace{RelAlgExecutionDescriptor.cpp} | |
MatchBody | |
anonymous_namespace{RelAlgExecutor.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{RelAlgExecutor.cpp} | |
RexUsedInputsVisitor | |
ErrorInfo | |
anonymous_namespace{RelAlgOptimizer.cpp} | |
RexProjectInputRedirector | |
RexRebindInputsVisitor | |
RexInputCollector | |
AvailabilityChecker | |
RexInputRenumberVisitor | |
RexInputSinker | |
SubConditionReplacer | |
RexInputRedirector | |
anonymous_namespace{RelAlgTranslator.cpp} | |
ByTypeIndex | |
anonymous_namespace{RelAlgTranslatorGeo.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{RelLeftDeepInnerJoin.cpp} | |
RebindRexInputsFromLeftDeepJoin | |
anonymous_namespace{ResultSet.cpp} | |
IsAggKind | |
IsDictEncodedStr | |
anonymous_namespace{ResultSetIteration.cpp} | |
GeoLazyFetchHandler | |
GeoQueryOutputFetchHandler | |
GeoTargetValueBuilder | |
anonymous_namespace{ResultSetReduction.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{ResultSetReductionCodegen.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{ResultSetReductionInterpreter.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{ResultSetReductionInterpreterStubs.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{ResultSetReductionJIT.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{} | |
anonymous_namespace{RowFunctionManager.h} | |
anonymous_namespace{RuntimeFunctions.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{S3Archive.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{ScalarCodeGenerator.cpp} | |
UsedColumnExpressions | |
anonymous_namespace{SerializeToSql.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{SharedDictionaryValidator.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{StorageIOFacility.h} | |
anonymous_namespace{StringDictionary.cpp} | |
ThreadInfo | |
MapMaker | |
anonymous_namespace{StringDictionaryProxy.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{StringOpsIR.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{StringTransform.h} | |
anonymous_namespace{SysCatalog.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{TableArchiver.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{TableFunctionCompilationContext.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{TableFunctionExecutionContext.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{TableOptimizer.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{TargetExprBuilder.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{TieredCpuBufferMgr.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{TokenCompletionHints.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{toString.h} | |
has_toString | |
has_toString< T, decltype(std::declval< T >().toString(), void())> | |
get_has_toString | |
has_printTo | |
has_printTo< T, decltype(std::declval< T >().printTo(std::declval< std::ostream & >()), void())> | |
has_operator_lshift | |
declval< std::ostream & >()<< std::declval< T >(), void())> | |
anonymous_namespace{TypedDataAccessors.h} | |
NullSentinelSupplier | |
FPSelector | |
IntSelector | |
anonymous_namespace{Types.cpp} | |
Coords | |
BoundingBox | |
anonymous_namespace{UdfCompiler.cpp} | |
FunctionDeclVisitor | |
DeclASTConsumer | |
HandleDeclAction | |
ToolFactory | |
UdfClangDriver | |
anonymous_namespace{Utm.h} | |
anonymous_namespace{WindowContext.cpp} | |
FindNullRange | |
anonymous_namespace{WindowExpressionRewrite.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{WindowFunctionIR.cpp} | |
arrow | |
fs | |
bench_batch_streaming_ingest | |
OmniCon | |
bench_system_tables | |
HeavyAICon | |
bench_update | |
HeavyAICon | |
benchmarks | |
GoogleBenchmark | |
HeavyDbServer | |
StringDictionaryBenchmark | |
TPC_DS_10GB | |
boost | |
filesystem | |
log | |
program_options | |
serialization | |
is_catalog_rel_alg_node | |
is_modify_target_rel_alg_node | |
Buffer_Namespace | |
Buffer | Note(s): Forbid Copying Idiom 4.1 |
BufferMgr | Note(s): Forbid Copying Idiom 4.1 |
BufferSeg | |
CpuBuffer | |
CpuBufferMgr | |
TieredCpuBufferMgr | |
GpuCudaBuffer | |
GpuCudaBufferMgr | |
Catalog_Namespace | |
anonymous_namespace{Catalog.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{SysCatalog.cpp} | |
TableEpochInfo | |
TableNotFoundException | |
Catalog | Class for a per-database catalog. also includes metadata for the current database and the current user |
NoTableFoundException | |
CustomExpression | |
read_lock | |
sqlite_lock | |
write_lock | |
SessionInfo | |
SessionsStore | |
UserMetadata | |
UserAlterations | |
DBMetadata | |
DBSummary | |
CommonFileOperations | |
SysCatalog | |
UpdateQuery | |
Chunk_NS | |
Chunk | |
CodegenUtil | |
com | |
mapd | |
bench | |
Benchmark | |
BenchmarkCloud | |
calcite | |
parser | |
ExtTableFunctionTypeChecker | |
ExtTableFunctionErrors | |
HeavyDBParser | |
ExpressionListedAsChildOROperatorChecker | |
ExpressionListedInSelectClauseChecker | |
FindSqlOperator | |
JoinOperatorChecker | |
HeavyDBParserOptions | |
FilterPushDownInfo | |
HeavyDBSchema | |
HeavyDBSerializer | |
CaseInsensitiveListSqlOperatorTable | |
HeavyDBSqlOperatorTable | |
All | |
Any | |
ApproxCountDistinct | |
ApproxMedian | |
ApproxPercentile | |
ApproxQuantile | |
ArrayLength | |
ArrayLengthErrors | |
BackwardFill | |
Base64Decode | |
Base64Encode | |
CastToGeography | |
CharLength | |
ConditionalChangeEvent | |
convert_meters_to_pixel_height | |
convert_meters_to_pixel_width | |
CountIf | |
Dateadd | |
Datediff | |
Datepart | |
Datetime | |
DedupFunction | |
EncodeText | |
ExtFunction | |
ExtTableFunction | |
FirstValueInFrame | |
ForwardFill | |
Hash | |
HeavyDB_Geo_PolyBoundsPtr | |
is_point_in_view | |
is_point_size_in_view | |
JarowinklerSimilarity | |
KeyForString | |
LagInFrame | |
LastSample | |
LastValueInFrame | |
LeadInFrame | |
LeftRightPad | |
LeftRightTrim | |
Length | |
LevenshteinDistance | |
Likely | |
LPad | |
LTrim | |
MapDAvg | |
MLPredict | |
Mode | |
MyUDFFunction | |
Now | |
nsTimestamp | |
NthValueInFrame | |
OffsetInFragment | |
PCAProject | |
PgDateTrunc | |
PgExtract | |
PgILike | |
EscapeOptional | |
PgUnnest | |
RampFunction | |
RegexpCount | |
RegexpLike | |
EscapeOptional | |
RegexpMatch | |
RegexpReplace | |
RegexpSubstr | |
Repeat | |
Replace | |
Reverse | |
RPad | |
RTrim | |
Sample | |
SampleRatio | |
Sign | |
SplitPart | |
SqlArrayValueConstructorAllowingEmpty | |
ST_Approx_Overlaps | |
ST_Area | |
ST_Buffer | |
ST_Centroid | |
ST_ConcaveHull | |
ST_Contains | |
ST_ConvexHull | |
ST_DFullyWithin | |
ST_Difference | |
ST_Disjoint | |
ST_Distance | |
ST_DWithin | |
ST_EndPoint | |
ST_Equals | |
ST_GeogFromText | |
ST_GeomFromText | |
ST_Intersection | |
ST_Intersects | |
ST_IntersectsBox | |
ST_IsEmpty | |
ST_IsValid | |
ST_Length | |
ST_MaxDistance | |
ST_NPoints | |
ST_NRings | |
ST_NumGeometries | |
ST_Perimeter | |
ST_Point | |
ST_PointN | |
ST_SetSRID | |
ST_StartPoint | |
ST_Transform | |
ST_Union | |
ST_Within | |
ST_X | |
ST_XMax | |
ST_XMin | |
ST_Y | |
ST_YMax | |
ST_YMin | |
SumIf | |
Truncate | |
TryCast | |
Unlikely | |
UrlDecode | |
UrlEncode | |
usTimestamp | |
WidthBucket | |
HeavyDBTable | |
HeavyDBTypeCoercion | |
HeavyDBTypeSystem | |
HeavyDBUser | |
HeavyDBView | |
ProjectProjectRemoveRule | |
planner | |
tester | |
rel | |
rules | |
FilterTableFunctionMultiInputTransposeRule | |
Config | |
common | |
SockTransportProperties | |
TransportType | |
dashboard | |
DashboardTest | |
logrunner | |
LogRunner | |
myThread | |
metadata | |
GeoRelDataType | |
LinestringSqlType | |
MetaConnect | |
PointSqlType | |
PolygonSqlType | |
parser | |
extension | |
ddl | |
heavydb | |
HeavyDBEncoding | |
HeavyDBGeo | |
HeavyDBGeoTypeNameSpec | |
HeavyDBOptionsMap | |
HeavyDBSqlDataTypeSpec | |
HeavyDBTypeNameSpec | |
heavysql | |
HeavySqlArray | |
HeavySqlColumn | |
HeavySqlDataType | |
HeavySqlEncoding | |
HeavySqlJson | |
HeavySqlOptionPair | |
HeavySqlOptionsMap | |
HeavySqlSanitizedString | |
HeavySqlTypeNameSpec | |
DdlResponse | |
JsonSerializableDdl | |
SqlAlterDatabase | |
AlterType | |
Builder | |
SqlAlterForeignTable | |
AlterType | |
Builder | |
SqlAlterServer | |
AlterType | |
Builder | |
SqlAlterSessionSet | |
SqlAlterSystemClear | |
SqlAlterSystemControlExecutorQueue | |
SqlAlterTable | |
AlterType | |
Builder | |
SqlAlterUser | |
SqlAttributeDefinition | |
SqlCheckConstraint | |
SqlColumnDeclaration | |
SqlCopyTable | |
SqlCreateDataframe | |
SqlCreateDB | |
SqlCreateForeignTable | |
SqlCreateModel | |
SqlCreatePolicy | |
SqlCreateRole | |
SqlCreateServer | |
Builder | |
SqlCreateTable | |
SqlCreateUser | |
SqlCreateUserMapping | |
Builder | |
SqlCreateView | |
SqlCustomDdl | |
SqlDdlNodes | |
FileType | |
SqlDropDB | |
SqlDropForeignTable | |
SqlDropModel | |
SqlDropPolicy | |
SqlDropRole | |
SqlDropServer | |
SqlDropTable | |
SqlDropUser | |
SqlDropUserMapping | |
SqlDropView | |
SqlDumpTable | |
SqlEvaluateModel | |
SqlExportQuery | |
SqlFilter | |
Chain | |
Operation | |
SqlFirstLastValueInFrame | |
SqlGrantPrivilege | |
SqlGrantRole | |
SqlInsertIntoTable | |
SqlInsertValues | |
SqlKeyConstraint | |
SqlKillQuery | |
SqlLeadLag | |
SqlNthValueInFrame | |
SqlOptimizeTable | |
SqlOptionsBuilder | |
SqlReassignOwned | |
SqlRefreshForeignTables | |
SqlRenameTable | |
SqlRenameUser | |
SqlRestoreTable | |
SqlRevokePrivilege | |
SqlRevokeRole | |
SqlShowCreateServer | |
SqlShowCreateTable | |
SqlShowDatabases | |
SqlShowDataSources | |
SqlShowDiskCacheUsage | |
SqlShowForeignServers | |
Builder | |
SqlShowFunctions | |
SqlShowModelDetails | |
SqlShowModelFeatureDetails | |
SqlShowModels | |
SqlShowPolicies | |
SqlShowQueries | |
SqlShowRoles | |
SqlShowRuntimeFunctions | |
SqlShowRuntimeTableFunctions | |
SqlShowTableDetails | |
SqlShowTableFunctions | |
SqlShowTables | |
SqlShowUserDetails | |
SqlShowUserSessions | |
SqlTruncateTable | |
SqlValidateSystem | |
AlterDatabaseTest | |
AlterTableTest | |
DDLTest | |
ForeignServerTest | |
ForeignTableTest | |
InsertValuesTest | |
InterruptCommandTest | |
ReassignOwnedTest | |
ShowCommandTest | |
UserMappingTest | |
hint | |
HeavyDBHintStrategyTable | |
server | |
test | |
SqlIdentifierCapturerTest | |
MockSchema | |
TestDBServer | |
ConnInfo | |
TestServer | |
CalciteParserFactory | |
CalciteServerCaller | |
CalciteServerHandler | |
CalciteServerWrapper | |
ExtensionFunction | |
ExtArgumentType | |
ExtensionFunctionSignatureParser | |
tests | |
AlterDropTruncateValidateConcurrencyTest | |
CalciteViewsConcurrencyTest | |
CatalogConcurrencyTest | |
ConcurrencyTest | |
MonitoringThread | |
SqlCommandThread | |
CtasItasSelectUpdelConcurrencyTest | |
DateTimeTest | |
DateAddUnit | |
DateDiffUnit | |
DateExtractUnit | |
DateTruncUnit | |
Encoding | |
Fuzzy | |
DdlConcurrencyTest | |
DistributedConcurrencyTest | |
DumpRestoreConcurrencyTest | |
ThreadDbDumpRestoreQueries | |
EagainConcurrencyTest | |
ForeignStorageConcurrencyTest | |
ForeignTableRefreshConcurrencyTest | |
HeavyDBAsserts | |
TestRun | |
HeavyDBTestClient | |
ImportAlterValidateSelectConcurrencyTest | |
VoidFunction | |
ReductionConcurrencyTest | |
RuntimeInterruptConcurrencyTest | |
SelectCopyFromDeleteConcurrencyTest | |
SelectUpdateDeleteDifferentTables | |
SystemTableConcurrencyTest | |
ThreadDbQueries | |
TablePermissionsTest | |
UpdateDeleteInsertConcurrencyTest | |
ViewPermissionsTest | |
testthrift | |
ThriftTester | |
utility | |
db_vendors | |
Db_vendor_types | |
GisType | |
Other_types | |
HeavyDBGeo_types | |
PostGis_types | |
DateTimeUtils | |
MutuallyExlusiveOptionsException | |
SQLImporter_args | |
SQLImporter | |
create_table | |
Column | |
SyntheticTable | |
CrossSectionTableFunctions | |
CudaMgr_Namespace | |
DeviceProperties | |
CudaMgr | |
DeviceMemoryAllocationMap | |
Allocation | |
dashboard_metadata | |
data_conversion | |
anonymous_namespace{StringViewSource.h} | |
BaseConvertEncoder | |
TypedBaseConvertEncoder | |
ConversionFactoryParam | |
BaseSource | |
StringViewSource | |
StringViewToArrayEncoder | |
StringViewToGeoEncoder | |
StringViewToScalarEncoder | |
StringViewToStringDictEncoder | |
StringViewToStringNoneEncoder | |
Data_Namespace | |
anonymous_namespace{DataMgr.cpp} | |
BuddyinfoBlocks | |
Horner | |
detail | |
DataMgrMemoryResource | A thrust memory resource wrapped around a Data_Namespace::ThrustAllocator that allocates memory via DataMgr. This memory resource wrapper is required to properly use ThrustAllocator as a custom allocator for thrust device containers like thrust::device_vector |
TypedThrustAllocatorState | Manages the underlying state of a TypedThrustAllocator. The state consists of: DataMgrMemoryResource: this instance holds onto a pointer of the ThrustAllocator which performs generic allocations thrust::device_ptr_memory_resource: this instance is an adapter that converts the pointer returned from the DataMgrMemoryResource to a thrust::device_ptr |
AbstractBuffer | An AbstractBuffer is a unit of data management for a data manager |
TypedThrustAllocator | Templated version of Data_Namespace::ThrustAllocator that can be used as a custom allocator in thrust device containers such as thrust::device_vector. Note that this class derives from thrust::mr::allocator in order to meet the requirements of an Allocator |
MemoryData | |
MemoryInfo | |
ProcMeminfoParser | Parse /proc/meminfo into key/value pairs |
ProcBuddyinfoParser | Parse /proc/buddyinfo into a few fragmentation-related data |
DataMgr | |
SystemMemoryUsage | |
DateConverters | |
DateTimeUtils | |
DatumFetcher | |
dbhandler | |
ddl_utils | |
alter_column_utils | |
CompareResult | |
anonymous_namespace{DdlUtils.cpp} | |
SqlType | |
Encoding | |
FilePathWhitelist | |
FilePathBlacklist | |
details | |
RelAlgDispatcher | |
dist | |
double_sort | |
Variant | |
Value | |
Iterator | |
EmbeddedDatabase | |
anonymous_namespace{DBEngine.cpp} | |
CursorImpl | |
DBEngineImpl | |
Cursor | |
DBEngine | |
ColumnDetails | |
Row | |
ExecutorResourceMgr_Namespace | |
ExecutorStats | Stores current key statistics relating to ExecutorResourceMgr state, particularly around the number of requests in queue and currently executing |
RequestStats | Stores info pertaining to a single request made to ExecutorResourceMgr , including its request_id , min and max possible resource grants, actual resource_grant, and various timing stats |
ExecutorResourceMgr | ExecutorResourceMgr is the central manager for resources available to all executors in the system. It manages an ExecutorResourcePool to keep track of available and allocated resources (currently CPU slots/threads, GPUs, CPU result memory, and CPU and GPU buffer pool memory). It also manages a thread queue which keeps requesting threads (from Executor::launchKernelsViaResourceMgr ) waiting until there it can schedule them. At that point, it gives the calling executor thread a ResourceHandle detailing the resources granted to the query, which once it goes out of scope will return the granted resources to the ExecutorResourcePool |
ExecutorResourceHandle | A wrapper returned by ExecutorResourceMgr to the requestee, containing the ResourceGrant that was granted. When this class goes out of scope (i.e. the executing thread finishes its query step, the destructor will automatically instruct ExecutorResourceMgr to release the granted resources back to the ExecutorResourcePool |
ExecutorResourceMgrError | |
QueryTimedOutWaitingInQueue | |
QueryNeedsTooMuchBufferPoolMem | |
QueryNeedsTooManyCpuSlots | |
QueryNeedsTooManyGpuSlots | |
QueryNeedsTooMuchCpuResultMem | |
ResourcePoolInfo | A container for various stats about the current state of the ExecutorResourcePool . Note that ExecutorResourcePool does not persist a struct of this type, but rather builds one on the fly when ExecutorResourcePool::get_resource_info() is called |
ResourceGrant | Specifies the resources of each type for a given resource grant |
ExecutorResourcePool | ExecutorResourcePool keeps track of available compute and memory resources and can be queried to get the min and max resources grantable (embodied in a ResourceGrant) for a request, given a ResourceRequest |
OutstandingQueueRequests | Stores and allows access to a binary semaphore per RequestId (using an std::unordered_map ), as well as accessing all outstanding RequestIds for waiting requests |
ResourceGrantSizeInfo | |
ResourceGrantPolicy | Specifies the policy for granting a resource of a specific ResourceSubtype . Note that this policy only pertains to resource grants on an isolated basis, and that grant policy with respect to concurrent requests is controlled by ConcurrentResourceGrantPolicy |
ConcurrentResourceGrantPolicy | Specifies the policies for resource grants in the presence of other requests, both under situations of resource undersubscription (i.e there are still resources of the given type in the pool) and oversubscription |
ChunkRequestInfo | Specifies all DataMgr chunks needed for a query step/request, along with their sizes in bytes. It also keeps track of other metadata to avoid having to recompute this info, such as total_bytes and a vector of total byte sizes for each kernel. The latter is relevant if bytes_scales_per_kernel is true, as the ExecutorResourceMgr / ExecutorResourcePool can scale back the number of kernels allowed to run simultaneously to ensure that a query step can run |
ResourceRequest | Specifies the minimum and maximum quanity either requested or granted for a request of resource_subtype |
RequestInfo | A container to store requested and minimum neccessary resource requests across all resource types currently supported by ExecutorResourceMgr /ExecutorResourcePool . It also includes a ChunkRequestInfo struct to denote which DataMgr chunks (with their sizes in bytes) are neccesary for the query |
File_Namespace | |
anonymous_namespace{FileBuffer.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{FileMgr.cpp} | |
DiskCacheConfig | |
TableFileMgr | |
CachingFileBuffer | |
CachingFileMgr | A FileMgr capable of limiting it's size and storing data from multiple tables in a shared directory. For any table that supports DiskCaching, the CachingFileMgr must contain either metadata for all table chunks, or for none (the cache is either has no knowledge of that table, or has complete knowledge of that table). Any data chunk within a table may or may not be contained within the cache |
CachingGlobalFileMgr | |
readThreadDS | |
FileBuffer | Represents/provides access to contiguous data stored in the file system |
FileInfo | |
FileMetadata | |
StorageStats | |
OpenFilesResult | |
PageMapping | |
FileMgr | |
FileMgrParams | |
GlobalFileMgr | |
Page | A logical page (Page) belongs to a file on disk |
EpochedPage | |
MultiPage | The MultiPage stores versions of the same logical page in a deque |
HeaderInfo | Stores Pair of ChunkKey and Page id and version, in a pair with a Page struct itself (File id and Page num) |
FileUtilities | |
flatbuffer | |
Array | |
Column | |
NestedArray | |
TextEncodingNone | |
foreign_storage | |
anonymous_namespace{AbstractFileStorageDataWrapper.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{AbstractTextFileDataWrapper.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{CachingForeignStorageMgr.cpp} | |
RestoreDataWrapperException | |
anonymous_namespace{CsvFileBufferParser.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{FileReader.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{ForeignDataWrapperFactory.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{ForeignStorageCache.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{ForeignTableRefresh.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{InternalCatalogDataWrapper.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{InternalExecutorStatsDataWrapper.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{InternalMemoryStatsDataWrapper.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{InternalMLModelMetadataDataWrapper.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{InternalStorageStatsDataWrapper.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{InternalSystemDataWrapper.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{LazyParquetChunkLoader.cpp} | |
MaxRowGroupSizeStats | |
anonymous_namespace{LogFileBufferParser.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{ParquetDataWrapper.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{RefreshTimeCalculator.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{RegexFileBufferParser.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{RegexParserDataWrapper.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{S3FilePathUtil.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{TextFileBufferParser.cpp} | |
Csv | |
anonymous_namespace{CsvShared.cpp} | |
ForeignServer | |
ForeignTable | |
OptionsContainer | |
UserMappingType | |
UserMapping | |
RefreshTimeCalculator | |
AbstractFileStorageDataWrapper | |
ParseFileRegionResult | |
MetadataScanMultiThreadingParams | |
IterativeFileScanParameters | |
AbstractTextFileDataWrapper | |
ResidualBuffer | |
CachingForeignStorageMgr | |
CsvDataWrapper | |
CsvFileBufferParser | |
DataPreview | |
FileReader | |
SingleFileReader | |
SingleTextFileReader | |
ArchiveWrapper | |
CompressedFileReader | |
MultiFileReader | |
LocalMultiFileReader | |
FileRegion | |
ForeignDataWrapper | |
DataWrapperType | Encapsulates an enumeration of foreign data wrapper type strings |
ForeignDataWrapperFactory | |
ForeignStorageBuffer | |
ForeignStorageCache | |
ForeignStorageException | |
MetadataScanInfeasibleFragmentSizeException | |
RequestedFragmentIdOutOfBoundsException | |
ChunkSizeValidator | |
MockForeignDataWrapper | |
ForeignStorageMgr | |
ForeignTableSchema | |
GeospatialEncoder | |
InternalCatalogDataWrapper | |
InternalExecutorStatsDataWrapper | |
InternalLogsDataWrapper | |
InternalMemoryStatsDataWrapper | |
InternalMLModelMetadataDataWrapper | |
StorageDetails | |
InternalStorageStatsDataWrapper | |
InternalSystemDataWrapper | |
ColumnType | |
FragmentType | |
Interval | |
ParquetBatchData | |
ParquetRowGroupReader | |
PreviewContext | |
LazyParquetChunkLoader | |
LogFileBufferParser | |
OdbcGeospatialEncoder | |
ParquetArrayDetectEncoder | |
ParquetArrayEncoder | |
ParquetArrayImportEncoder | |
ParquetDataWrapper | |
ParquetDateInDaysFromTimestampEncoder | |
ParquetDateInSecondsEncoder | |
ParquetDecimalEncoder | |
ParquetDetectStringEncoder | |
ParquetEncoder | |
ParquetImportEncoder | |
ParquetScalarEncoder | |
ParquetFixedLengthArrayEncoder | |
ParquetFixedLengthEncoder | |
ParquetUnsignedFixedLengthEncoder | |
ParquetGeospatialEncoder | |
ParquetGeospatialImportEncoder | |
RowGroupIntervalTracker | |
ParquetImportBatchResult | |
AbstractRowGroupIntervalTracker | |
ParquetImporter | |
ParquetInPlaceEncoder | |
TypedParquetInPlaceEncoder | |
ParquetMetadataValidator | |
TimestampBoundsValidator | |
IntegralFixedLengthBoundsValidator | |
BaseDateBoundsValidator | |
FloatPointValidator | |
RowGroupInterval | |
RowGroupMetadata | |
FileReaderMap | |
ParquetStringEncoder | |
ParquetStringImportEncoder | |
ParquetStringNoneEncoder | |
ParquetTimeEncoder | |
ParquetTimestampEncoder | |
ParquetVariableLengthArrayEncoder | |
PassThroughBuffer | |
RegexFileBufferParser | |
RegexParserDataWrapper | |
FileOrderS3 | |
ParseBufferRequest | |
ParseBufferResult | |
TextFileBufferParser | |
TypedParquetDetectBuffer | |
AbstractDataTypeToStringConverter | |
DataTypeToStringConverter | |
TypedParquetStorageBuffer | |
ForeignTableRefreshScheduler | |
Fragmenter_Namespace | |
anonymous_namespace{InsertOrderFragmenter.cpp} | |
ArrayElemTypeChunk | |
BaseAlterColumnContext | |
GeoAlterColumnContext | |
NonGeoAlterColumnContext | |
anonymous_namespace{UpdelStorage.cpp} | |
RowDataProvider | |
UpdateValuesStats | |
ChunkUpdateStats | |
AbstractFragmenter | |
InsertChunks | |
InsertData | The data to be inserted using the fragment manager |
FragmentInfo | Used by Fragmenter classes to store info about each fragment - the fragment id and number of tuples(rows) currently stored by that fragment |
TableInfo | |
ShardDataOwner | |
BlockWithColumnId | |
InsertDataLoader | |
InsertConnector | |
LocalInsertConnector | |
InsertOrderFragmenter | The InsertOrderFragmenter is a child class of AbstractFragmenter, and fragments data in insert order. Likely the default fragmenter |
SortedOrderFragmenter | |
ChunkToInsertDataConverter | |
ScalarChunkConverter | |
FixedLenArrayChunkConverter | |
ArrayChunkConverter | |
StringChunkConverter | |
DateChunkConverter | |
GDALTableFunctions | |
generate_loop_ref | |
generate_TableFunctionsFactory_init | |
Geo | |
Point2D | |
GeoNestedArray | |
LineString | |
MultiPoint | |
MultiLineString | |
Polygon | |
MultiPolygon | |
Geospatial | |
anonymous_namespace{GDAL.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{Types.cpp} | |
HexDigitToDecimalTable | |
GDAL | |
CoordinateTransformationDeleter | |
DataSourceDeleter | |
FeatureDeleter | |
SpatialReferenceDeleter | |
WkbView | |
GeoTypesError | |
GeoBase | |
GeoPoint | |
GeoMultiPoint | |
GeoLineString | |
GeoMultiLineString | |
GeoPolygon | |
GeoMultiPolygon | |
GeoGeometry | |
GeoGeometryCollection | |
GeoTypesFactory | |
gpu_enabled | |
heavyai | |
allocator | |
detail | |
FastAllocator | |
MutexInterface | |
SharedMutexInterface | |
DistributedSharedMutex | |
Callbacks | |
StringEnum | |
IsAny | |
DeviceIdentifier | |
JSON | |
InSituFlagsOwnerInterface | |
UUID | |
RequestInfo | |
heavydb | |
_parsers | |
_samlutils | |
_utils | |
common | |
constants | |
ttypes | |
TDeviceType | |
TDatumType | |
TEncodingType | |
TStringDictKey | |
TTypeInfo | |
completion_hints | |
constants | |
ttypes | |
TCompletionHintType | |
TCompletionHint | |
connection | |
Connection | |
cursor | |
Cursor | |
dtypes | |
DataType | |
exceptions | |
Warning | |
Error | |
InterfaceError | |
DatabaseError | |
DataError | |
OperationalError | |
IntegrityError | |
InternalError | |
ProgrammingError | |
NotSupportedError | |
extension_functions | |
constants | |
ttypes | |
TExtArgumentType | |
TOutputBufferSizeType | |
TUserDefinedFunction | |
TUserDefinedTableFunction | |
serialized_result_set | |
constants | |
ttypes | |
TResultSetLayout | |
TCountDistinctImplType | |
TAggKind | |
TSlotSize | |
TColSlotContext | |
TCountDistinctDescriptor | |
TResultSetBufferDescriptor | |
TTargetInfo | |
TCountDistinctSetStorage | |
TCountDistinctSet | |
TSerializedRows | |
thrift | |
constants | |
Heavy | |
Iface | |
Client | |
Processor | |
connect_args | |
connect_result | |
krb5_connect_args | |
krb5_connect_result | |
disconnect_args | |
disconnect_result | |
switch_database_args | |
switch_database_result | |
clone_session_args | |
clone_session_result | |
get_server_status_args | |
get_server_status_result | |
get_status_args | |
get_status_result | |
get_hardware_info_args | |
get_hardware_info_result | |
get_tables_args | |
get_tables_result | |
get_tables_for_database_args | |
get_tables_for_database_result | |
get_physical_tables_args | |
get_physical_tables_result | |
get_views_args | |
get_views_result | |
get_tables_meta_args | |
get_tables_meta_result | |
get_table_details_args | |
get_table_details_result | |
get_table_details_for_database_args | |
get_table_details_for_database_result | |
get_internal_table_details_args | |
get_internal_table_details_result | |
get_internal_table_details_for_database_args | |
get_internal_table_details_for_database_result | |
get_users_args | |
get_users_result | |
get_databases_args | |
get_databases_result | |
get_version_args | |
get_version_result | |
start_heap_profile_args | |
start_heap_profile_result | |
stop_heap_profile_args | |
stop_heap_profile_result | |
get_heap_profile_args | |
get_heap_profile_result | |
get_memory_args | |
get_memory_result | |
clear_cpu_memory_args | |
clear_cpu_memory_result | |
clear_gpu_memory_args | |
clear_gpu_memory_result | |
set_cur_session_args | |
set_cur_session_result | |
invalidate_cur_session_args | |
invalidate_cur_session_result | |
set_table_epoch_args | |
set_table_epoch_result | |
set_table_epoch_by_name_args | |
set_table_epoch_by_name_result | |
get_table_epoch_args | |
get_table_epoch_result | |
get_table_epoch_by_name_args | |
get_table_epoch_by_name_result | |
get_table_epochs_args | |
get_table_epochs_result | |
set_table_epochs_args | |
set_table_epochs_result | |
get_session_info_args | |
get_session_info_result | |
get_queries_info_args | |
get_queries_info_result | |
set_leaf_info_args | |
set_leaf_info_result | |
sql_execute_args | |
sql_execute_result | |
sql_execute_df_args | |
sql_execute_df_result | |
sql_execute_gdf_args | |
sql_execute_gdf_result | |
deallocate_df_args | |
deallocate_df_result | |
interrupt_args | |
interrupt_result | |
sql_validate_args | |
sql_validate_result | |
get_completion_hints_args | |
get_completion_hints_result | |
set_execution_mode_args | |
set_execution_mode_result | |
render_vega_args | |
render_vega_result | |
get_result_row_for_pixel_args | |
get_result_row_for_pixel_result | |
create_custom_expression_args | |
create_custom_expression_result | |
get_custom_expressions_args | |
get_custom_expressions_result | |
update_custom_expression_args | |
update_custom_expression_result | |
delete_custom_expressions_args | |
delete_custom_expressions_result | |
get_dashboard_args | |
get_dashboard_result | |
get_dashboards_args | |
get_dashboards_result | |
create_dashboard_args | |
create_dashboard_result | |
replace_dashboard_args | |
replace_dashboard_result | |
delete_dashboard_args | |
delete_dashboard_result | |
share_dashboards_args | |
share_dashboards_result | |
delete_dashboards_args | |
delete_dashboards_result | |
share_dashboard_args | |
share_dashboard_result | |
unshare_dashboard_args | |
unshare_dashboard_result | |
unshare_dashboards_args | |
unshare_dashboards_result | |
get_dashboard_grantees_args | |
get_dashboard_grantees_result | |
get_link_view_args | |
get_link_view_result | |
create_link_args | |
create_link_result | |
load_table_binary_args | |
load_table_binary_result | |
load_table_binary_columnar_args | |
load_table_binary_columnar_result | |
load_table_binary_arrow_args | |
load_table_binary_arrow_result | |
load_table_args | |
load_table_result | |
detect_column_types_args | |
detect_column_types_result | |
create_table_args | |
create_table_result | |
import_table_args | |
import_table_result | |
import_geo_table_args | |
import_geo_table_result | |
import_table_status_args | |
import_table_status_result | |
get_first_geo_file_in_archive_args | |
get_first_geo_file_in_archive_result | |
get_all_files_in_archive_args | |
get_all_files_in_archive_result | |
get_layers_in_geo_file_args | |
get_layers_in_geo_file_result | |
query_get_outer_fragment_count_args | |
query_get_outer_fragment_count_result | |
check_table_consistency_args | |
check_table_consistency_result | |
start_query_args | |
start_query_result | |
execute_query_step_args | |
execute_query_step_result | |
broadcast_serialized_rows_args | |
broadcast_serialized_rows_result | |
start_render_query_args | |
start_render_query_result | |
execute_next_render_step_args | |
execute_next_render_step_result | |
insert_data_args | |
insert_data_result | |
insert_chunks_args | |
insert_chunks_result | |
checkpoint_args | |
checkpoint_result | |
get_roles_args | |
get_roles_result | |
get_db_objects_for_grantee_args | |
get_db_objects_for_grantee_result | |
get_db_object_privs_args | |
get_db_object_privs_result | |
get_all_roles_for_user_args | |
get_all_roles_for_user_result | |
get_all_effective_roles_for_user_args | |
get_all_effective_roles_for_user_result | |
has_role_args | |
has_role_result | |
has_object_privilege_args | |
has_object_privilege_result | |
set_license_key_args | |
set_license_key_result | |
get_license_claims_args | |
get_license_claims_result | |
get_device_parameters_args | |
get_device_parameters_result | |
register_runtime_extension_functions_args | |
register_runtime_extension_functions_result | |
get_table_function_names_args | |
get_table_function_names_result | |
get_runtime_table_function_names_args | |
get_runtime_table_function_names_result | |
get_table_function_details_args | |
get_table_function_details_result | |
get_function_names_args | |
get_function_names_result | |
get_runtime_function_names_args | |
get_runtime_function_names_result | |
get_function_details_args | |
get_function_details_result | |
ttypes | |
TExecuteMode | |
TSourceType | |
TPartitionDetail | |
TGeoFileLayerContents | |
TImportHeaderRow | |
TRole | |
TTableType | |
TTableRefreshUpdateType | |
TTableRefreshTimingType | |
TTableRefreshIntervalType | |
TMergeType | |
TRasterPointType | |
TRasterPointTransform | |
TQueryType | |
TArrowTransport | |
TExpressionRangeType | |
TDBObjectType | |
TDataSourceType | |
TDatumVal | |
TDatum | |
TStringValue | |
TColumnType | |
TRow | |
TColumnData | |
TColumn | |
TStringRow | |
TKrb5Session | |
TStepResult | |
TRowSet | |
TQueryResult | |
TDataFrame | |
TDBInfo | |
TDBException | |
TCopyParams | |
TCreateParams | |
TDetectResult | |
TImportStatus | |
TFrontendView | |
TServerStatus | |
TPixel | |
TPixelTableRowResult | |
TRenderResult | |
TGpuSpecification | |
THardwareInfo | |
TClusterHardwareInfo | |
TMemoryData | |
TNodeMemoryInfo | |
TTableMeta | |
TTableRefreshInfo | |
TTableDetails | |
TColumnRange | |
TDictionaryGeneration | |
TTableGeneration | |
TTableCacheStatus | |
TPendingQuery | |
TVarLen | |
TDataBlockPtr | |
TInsertData | |
TChunkData | |
TInsertChunks | |
TPendingRenderQuery | |
TRenderParseResult | |
TRawRenderPassDataResult | |
TRawPixelData | |
TRenderDatum | |
TRenderStepResult | |
TDatabasePermissions | |
TTablePermissions | |
TDashboardPermissions | |
TViewPermissions | |
TServerPermissions | |
TDBObjectPermissions | |
TDBObject | |
TDashboardGrantees | |
TDashboard | |
TLicenseInfo | |
TSessionInfo | |
TGeoFileLayerInfo | |
TTableEpochInfo | |
TCustomExpression | |
TQueryInfo | |
TLeafInfo | |
version | |
heavydb_aws_sdk | |
SslConfig | |
import_export | |
anonymous_namespace{ExpressionParser.cpp} | |
Function_substr | |
Function_regex_match | |
Function_split_part | |
Function_int | |
Function_float | |
Function_double | |
Function_str | |
Function_bool | |
Operator_not | |
anonymous_namespace{ForeignDataImporter.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{Importer.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{QueryExporterCSV.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{QueryExporterGDAL.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{RasterImporter.cpp} | |
delimited_parser | |
InsufficientBufferSizeException | |
DelimitedParserException | |
AbstractImporter | |
CopyParams | |
ExpressionParser | |
ParserDeleter | |
ForeignDataImporter | |
ImportBatchResult | |
GeoImportException | |
ColumnNotGeoError | |
BadRowsTracker | |
ImporterUtils | |
TypedImportBuffer | |
Loader | |
ImportStatus | |
DataStreamSink | |
Detector | |
Importer | |
GeoFileLayerInfo | |
MetadataColumnInfo | |
QueryExporter | |
QueryExporterCSV | |
QueryExporterGDAL | |
GCPTransformer | |
RasterImporter | |
ImportBandInfo | |
ImportHelpers | |
java | |
sql | |
ResultSet | |
ResultSetComparator | |
ModeScatter | |
CellCallback | |
json_utils | |
l0 | |
L0Exception | |
L0Driver | |
L0Device | |
L0Module | |
L0Kernel | |
L0CommandQueue | |
L0CommandList | |
L0Manager | |
legacylockmgr | |
WrapperType | |
LockMgr | |
llvm | |
lockmgr | |
helpers | |
TableLockMgrImpl | |
TableSchemaLockMgr | Locks protecting a physical table object returned from the catalog. Table Metadata Locks prevent incompatible concurrent operations on table objects. For example, before dropping or altering a table, a metadata write lock must be acquired. This prevents concurrent read + drop, concurrent drops, etc |
InsertDataLockMgr | Prevents simultaneous inserts into the same table. To allow concurrent Insert/Select queries, Insert queries only obtain a write lock on table data when checkpointing (flushing chunks to disk). Inserts/Data load will take an exclusive (write) lock to ensure only one insert proceeds on each table at a time |
TableDataLockMgr | Locks protecting table data. Read queries take a read lock, while write queries (update, delete) obtain a write lock. Note that insert queries do not currently take a write lock (to allow concurrent inserts). Instead, insert queries obtain a write lock on the table metadata to allow existing read queries to finish (and block new ones) before flushing the inserted data to disk |
TableSchemaLockContainer | |
TableSchemaLockContainer< ReadLock > | |
TableSchemaLockContainer< WriteLock > | |
TableDataLockContainer | |
TableDataLockContainer< WriteLock > | |
TableDataLockContainer< ReadLock > | |
TableInsertLockContainer | |
TableInsertLockContainer< WriteLock > | |
TableInsertLockContainer< ReadLock > | |
MutexTracker | |
TrackedRefLock | |
AbstractLockContainer | |
LockContainerImpl | |
logger | |
anonymous_namespace{Logger.cpp} | |
Collector | |
DebugTimerParams | |
Duration | |
DurationTree | |
GetDepth | |
JsonEncoder | |
EraseDurationTrees | Depth-first search and erase all DurationTrees. Not thread-safe |
ThreadLocalIds | |
LocalIdsScopeGuard | |
LogOptions | |
LogShutdown | |
Logger | |
DebugTimer | |
make-m2-proxy | |
Mandelbrot | |
math_consts | |
migrations | |
anonymous_namespace{MigrationMgr.cpp} | |
MigrationMgr | |
mup | |
nvtx_helpers | |
anonymous_namespace{nvtx_helpers.cpp} | |
CategoryInfo | |
org | |
apache | |
calcite | |
prepare | |
CalciteSqlValidator | |
HeavyDBPlanner | |
CompletionResult | |
HeavyDBSqlAdvisor | |
HeavyDBSqlAdvisorValidator | |
SqlIdentifierCapturer | |
rel | |
externalize | |
HeavyDBRelJson | |
HeavyDBRelJsonReader | |
HeavyDBRelJsonWriter | |
HeavyDBRelWriterImpl | |
rules | |
DynamicFilterJoinRule | |
InjectFilterRule | |
Config | |
OuterJoinOptViaNullRejectionRule | |
QueryOptimizationRules | |
Restriction | |
sql | |
validate | |
implicit | |
TypeCoercions | |
SqlValidatorImpl | |
Clause | |
DeleteNamespace | |
DeriveTypeVisitor | |
DmlNamespace | |
Expander | |
ExtendedExpander | |
FunctionParamInfo | |
IdInfo | |
InsertNamespace | |
MergeNamespace | |
NavigationExpander | |
NavigationModifier | |
NavigationReplacer | |
OrderExpressionExpander | |
PatternValidator | |
PatternVarVisitor | |
Permute | |
SelectExpander | |
Status | |
UpdateNamespace | |
ValidationError | |
ValidationErrorFunction | |
SqlOperator | |
sql2rel | |
SqlToRelConverter | |
Blackboard | |
DeferredLookup | |
NoOpSubQueryConverter | |
RexAccessShuttle | |
StandardConvertletTable | |
AvgVarianceConvertlet | |
FloorCeilConvertlet | |
GreatestConvertlet | |
RegrCovarianceConvertlet | |
TimestampAddConvertlet | |
TimestampDiffConvertlet | |
TrimConvertlet | |
util | |
EscapedStringJsonBuilder | |
parse_ast | |
Parser | |
anonymous_namespace{ParserNode.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{ParserNode.h} | |
Compress | |
Node | |
SQLType | |
Expr | |
Literal | |
NullLiteral | |
StringLiteral | |
IntLiteral | |
FixedPtLiteral | |
FloatLiteral | |
DoubleLiteral | |
TimestampLiteral | |
UserLiteral | |
ArrayLiteral | |
OperExpr | |
SubqueryExpr | |
IsNullExpr | |
InExpr | |
InSubquery | |
InValues | |
BetweenExpr | |
CharLengthExpr | |
CardinalityExpr | |
LikeExpr | |
RegexpExpr | |
WidthBucketExpr | |
LikelihoodExpr | |
ExistsExpr | |
ColumnRef | |
FunctionRef | |
CastExpr | |
ExprPair | |
CaseExpr | |
TableRef | |
Stmt | |
DMLStmt | |
DDLStmt | |
TableElement | |
ColumnConstraintDef | |
CompressDef | |
ColumnDef | |
TableConstraintDef | |
UniqueDef | |
ForeignKeyDef | |
CheckDef | |
SharedDictionaryDef | |
ShardKeyDef | |
NameValueAssign | |
CreateTableBaseStmt | |
CreateTableStmt | |
QueryConnector | |
LocalQueryConnector | |
CreateDataframeStmt | |
InsertIntoTableAsSelectStmt | |
CreateTableAsSelectStmt | |
DropTableStmt | |
TruncateTableStmt | |
OptimizeTableStmt | |
ValidateStmt | |
RenameDBStmt | |
RenameUserStmt | |
RenameTableStmt | |
RenameColumnStmt | |
AddColumnStmt | |
DropColumnStmt | |
AlterTableParamStmt | |
DumpRestoreTableStmtBase | |
DumpTableStmt | |
RestoreTableStmt | |
CopyTableStmt | |
CreateRoleStmt | |
DropRoleStmt | |
GrantPrivilegesStmt | |
RevokePrivilegesStmt | |
ShowPrivilegesStmt | |
GrantRoleStmt | |
RevokeRoleStmt | |
QueryExpr | |
UnionQuery | |
SelectEntry | |
QuerySpec | |
OrderSpec | |
SelectStmt | |
ExportQueryStmt | |
CreateViewStmt | |
DropViewStmt | |
CreateDBStmt | |
DropDBStmt | |
CreateModelStmt | |
DropModelStmt | |
CreateUserStmt | |
AlterUserStmt | |
DropUserStmt | |
InsertStmt | |
ValuesList | |
InsertValuesStmt | |
Assignment | |
UpdateStmt | |
DeleteStmt | |
DefaultValidate | |
DefaultValidate< IntLiteral > | |
PositiveOrZeroValidate | |
DefaultValidate< StringLiteral > | |
CaseSensitiveValidate | |
quantile | |
detail | |
anonymous_namespace{quantile.h} | |
OrderByMeanAscCountDesc | |
Skipped | |
Data | |
Centroid | |
Centroids | |
CentroidsMerger | |
CentroidsMemory | |
TDigest | |
query_state | |
QuoteFormatter | |
SessionInfoFormatter | |
Event | |
SessionData | |
QueryState | |
QueryStateProxy | |
QueryStates | |
Timer | |
StdLogData | |
StdLog | |
QueryRenderer | |
QueryRunner | |
anonymous_namespace{QueryRunner.cpp} | |
QueryPlanDagInfo | |
DataRecyclerFlagsDisabler | |
BufferPoolStats | |
QueryRunner | |
ImportDriver | |
RasterFormat_Namespace | |
RasterInfo | |
report | |
Row | |
result_set | |
run_benchmark | |
run_benchmark_arrow | |
run_benchmark_import | |
run_synthetic_benchmark | |
SemaphoreShim_Namespace | |
BinarySemaphore | Utility type that implemnts behavior of a blocking binary semaphore, with an optional timeout. May be removed in favor of the C++20 std::binary_semaphore as soon as we can upgrade to gcc 11 |
serialize_detail | |
IntType | |
IntType< 1 > | |
IntType< 2 > | |
IntType< 4 > | |
IntType< 8 > | |
setup | |
shared | |
anonymous_namespace{file_path_util.cpp} | |
StringDictKey | |
TableKey | |
ColumnKey | |
FileNotFoundException | |
NoRegexFilterMatchException | |
FilePathOptions | |
FileOrderBase | |
FileOrderLocal | |
FullyQualifiedTableName | |
PrintContainer | |
is_std_container | |
is_std_container< std::deque< T, A > > | |
is_std_container< std::list< T, A > > | |
is_std_container< std::set< T, A > > | |
is_std_container< std::unordered_set< T, A > > | |
is_std_container< std::vector< T, A > > | |
FileContentsEscaper | |
DivUMod | |
spatial_type | |
AreaPerimeter | |
Centroid | |
Codegen | |
Distance | |
NPoints | |
NRings | |
NumGeometries | |
PointAccessors | |
PointConstructor | |
PointN | |
StartEndPoint | |
Transform | |
sql_constants | |
std | |
hash< std::vector< int > > | |
hash< std::pair< int, int > > | |
hash< InputColDescriptor > | |
hash< const InputColDescriptor * > | |
equal_to< shared_ptr< const InputColDescriptor > > | |
hash< CardinalityCacheKey > | |
hash< PhysicalInput > | |
hash< std::pair< const RelAlgNode *, int > > | |
hash< RexInput > | |
hash< shared::StringDictKey > | |
hash< shared::TableKey > | |
hash< shared::ColumnKey > | |
hash< shared::FullyQualifiedTableName > | |
tuple_size< boost::tuples::cons< T, U > > | |
tuple_element< I, boost::tuples::cons< T, U > > | |
streaming_top_n | |
StringFunctors | |
StringOps_Namespace | |
anonymous_namespace{StringOps.cpp} | |
StringOpInfo | |
system_validator | |
DistributedValidate | Driver for running distributed validation on metadata across cluster. DistributedValidate provides functions for running a validation on system metadata across a cluster, with options to remove broken objects that have been identified |
SingleNodeValidator | Driver for running validation on a single node |
table_functions | |
anonymous_namespace{TableFunctionsFactory.cpp} | |
TableFunctionOutputRowSizer | |
TableFunction | |
TableFunctionsFactory | |
TableFunctions_Namespace | |
OneHotEncoder_Namespace | |
KeyToOneHotColBytemap | A struct that creates a bytemap to map each key to its corresponding one-hot column index |
OneHotEncodingInfo | |
OneHotEncodedCol | |
MaskedData | |
InputData | |
TableFunctionsFactory_declbracket | |
Declaration | |
Bracket | |
TableFunctionsFactory_linker | |
BaseGenerateFiles | |
GenerateTemplateFiles | |
GenerateAddTableFunctionsFiles | |
TableFunctionsFactory_node | |
Node | |
PrintNode | |
IterableNode | |
UdtfNode | |
ArgNode | |
TypeNode | |
PrimitiveNode | |
ComposedNode | |
AnnotationNode | |
TemplateNode | |
TableFunctionsFactory_parser | |
TokenizeException | |
ParserException | |
Token | |
Tokenize | |
Parser | |
TableFunctionsFactory_transformers | |
TransformerException | |
TransformerWarning | |
AstVisitor | |
AstTransformer | |
AstPrinter | |
AstDebugger | |
TemplateTransformer | |
FixRowMultiplierPosArgTransformer | |
RenameNodesTransformer | |
TextEncodingDictTransformer | |
FieldAnnotationTransformer | |
DefaultValueAnnotationTransformer | |
SupportedAnnotationsTransformer | |
AmbiguousSignatureCheckTransformer | |
RangeAnnotationTransformer | |
CursorAnnotationTransformer | |
DeclBracketTransformer | |
Pipeline | |
TableFunctionsFactory_util | |
target_info | |
test_exceptions | |
test_fsi | |
test_ra | |
test_readcsv | |
tests | |
conftest | |
test_connection | |
TestConnect | |
TestURI | |
TestExtras | |
test_cursor | |
TestCursor | |
test_integration | |
TestIntegration | |
TestExtras | |
test_results_set | |
TestRowResults | |
test_runtime_udf | |
TestRuntimeUDF | |
ThreadController_NS | |
FutureGetter | |
FutureGetter< void > | |
SimpleThreadController | |
SimpleRunningThreadController | |
threading_common | |
split | |
auto_partitioner | |
blocked_range | A range over which to iterate |
threading_serial | |
task_group | |
threading_std | |
task_group | |
threading_tbb | |
this_task_arena | |
tbb_packaged_task | |
tbb_packaged_task< void > | |
future | |
future< void > | |
ThriftSerializers | |
AbstractBufferMgr | |
AbstractMLModel | |
AbstractTreeModel | |
AccessPrivileges | |
AggMode | |
ByCount | |
AggregatedColRange | |
AggregatedResult | |
AggregateTreeForWindowFraming | |
AllColumnVarsVisitor | |
Alloca | |
Allocator | |
AllRangeTableIndexVisitor | |
AlterDatabaseCommand | |
AlterForeignServerCommand | |
AlterForeignTableCommand | |
AlterTableAlterColumnCommand | |
AlterTableAlterColumnCommandRecoveryMgr | |
ColumnAltered | |
RecoveryInfo | |
RecoveryParamFilepathInfo | |
AlterTableCommand | |
AnnotateInternalFunctionsPass | |
ApproxQuantileDescriptor | |
Archive | |
Arena | |
Argument | |
Array | |
ArrayConverterFactory | |
ArrayLoadCodegen | |
ArrayNoneEncoder | |
ArraysConverterFactory | |
ArrayValueConverter | |
ArrowCsvForeignStorage | |
ArrowForeignStorage | |
ArrowForeignStorageBase | |
ArrowFragment | |
ArrowImporterException | |
ArrowResult | |
ArrowResultSet | |
ArrowResultSetConverter | |
ColumnBuilder | |
SerializedArrowOutput | |
ArrowResultSetRowIterator | |
AuthMetadata | |
AutomaticIRMetadataGuard | |
InstructionInfo | |
AutoTunerMetaInfo | |
BaseCellData | Information on a single base cell |
BaseCellRotation | Base cell at a given ijk and required rotations into its system |
BaselineHashTable | |
BaselineHashTableEntryInfo | |
BaselineJoinHashTable | |
AlternativeCacheKeyForBaselineHashJoin | |
BaselineJoinHashTableBuilder | |
BinaryOperator | |
BloscCompressor | |
boost_variant_accessor | |
BoundingBoxIntersectJoinConjunction | |
BoundingBoxIntersectJoinHashTable | |
AlternativeCacheKeyForBoundingBoxIntersection | |
BoundingBoxIntersectJoinSupportedFunction | |
BoundingBoxIntersectJoinTranslationInfo | |
BoundingBoxIntersectJoinTranslationResult | |
BoundingBoxIntersectKeyHandler | |
BoundingBoxIntersectMetaInfo | |
BoundingBoxIntersectTuningParamRecycler | |
Bounds | |
BoxDetection | |
BucketizedHashEntryInfo | |
BufferRange | |
CacheDataTf | |
CachedItem | |
CachedSessionStore | |
CacheEvictionAlgorithm | |
CacheInvalidator | |
CacheItemMetric | |
CacheMetricTracker | |
CacheTooSmallException | |
Calcite | |
Call | |
CallbackManager | |
CardinalityCacheKey | |
CardinalityEstimationRequired | |
CartesianProduct | |
CartesianProductIterator | |
Cast | |
CategoricalFeaturesBuilder | |
CgenState | |
FunctionOperValue | |
HoistedLiteralLoadLocator | |
CheckedAllocDeleter | |
CheckedMallocDeleter | |
ChunkIter | |
ChunkMetadata | |
ChunkMetadataMetaInfo | |
ChunkMetadataRecycler | |
ChunkStats | |
CodeCacheAccessor | |
CodeCacheMetric | |
CodeGenerator | |
ArgNullcheckBBs | |
ExecutorRequired | |
GPUTarget | |
NullCheckCodegen | |
ColRangeInfo | |
ColSlotContext | |
Column | |
Column< Array< T > > | |
Column< Array< TextEncodingDict > > | |
Column< GeoLineString > | |
Column< GeoMultiLineString > | |
Column< GeoMultiPoint > | |
Column< GeoMultiPolygon > | |
Column< GeoPoint > | |
Column< GeoPolygon > | |
Column< TextEncodingDict > | |
Column< TextEncodingNone > | |
ColumnarConversionNotSupported | |
ColumnarResults | |
ColumnBitmap | |
ColumnDescriptor | Content in-memory of a row in the column metadata table |
ColumnFetcher | |
ColumnLazyFetchInfo | |
ColumnList | |
ColumnList< Array< T > > | |
ColumnList< TextEncodingDict > | |
ColumnsForDevice | |
ColumnStats | |
ColumnVarsVisitor | |
CommandLineOptions | |
CompilationContext | |
CompilationOptions | |
CompilationResult | |
CompilationRetryNewScanLimit | |
CompilationRetryNoCompaction | |
CompilationRetryNoLazyFetch | |
CompositeKeyInfo | |
CompressionFailedError | |
ComputeAgg | |
ComputeAgg< RasterAggType::BOX_AVG > | |
ComputeAgg< RasterAggType::COUNT > | |
ComputeAgg< RasterAggType::MAX > | |
ComputeAgg< RasterAggType::MIN > | |
ComputeAgg< RasterAggType::SUM > | |
ConnectionInfo | |
Constant | |
ConstantFP | |
ConstantInt | |
ConsumeCb | |
ConverterCreateParameter | |
CoordIJ | IJ hexagon coordinates |
CoordIJK | IJK hexagon coordinates |
CountDistinctDescriptor | |
CpuCompilationContext | |
CpuMgrArenaAllocator | |
CpuTimer | |
EventTimer | |
CreateForeignServerCommand | |
CreateForeignTableCommand | |
CreatePolicyCommand | |
CubinResult | |
CudaAllocator | |
DashboardDescriptor | |
DashboardPrivileges | |
DatabasePrivileges | |
DataBlockPtr | |
DataBufferCache | |
DataCache | |
DataframeTableDescriptor | Content in-memory of a row in the table metadata table |
DataRecycler | |
DataRecyclerUtil | |
DateDaysEncoder | |
DateDaysOverflowValidator | |
DateTimeParser | |
DateTime | |
DateTimeTranslator | |
DateTruncExpr | |
Datum | |
DayTimeInterval | |
DBHandler | |
DeferredCopyFromSessions | |
DeferredCopyFromState | |
DBObject | |
DBObjectKey | |
DdlCommand | |
DdlCommandData | |
DdlCommandExecutor | |
DecimalOverflowValidator | |
DecisionTreeEntry | |
DecodedJoinHashBufferEntry | |
Decoder | |
DeepCopyVisitor | |
DeletedColumnStats | |
Detection | |
DeviceAllocator | |
DeviceArrayDatum | |
DeviceClock | |
DeviceKernel | |
DiamondCodegen | |
dict_ref_t | |
DictDescriptor | Descriptor for a dictionary for a string columne |
DictionaryCache | |
DictionaryConverterFactory | |
DictionaryValueConverter | |
DictPayloadUnavailable | |
DiffFixedWidthInt | |
DistributedExecutionDetails | |
DistributedLoader | |
DistributedQueryRunner | |
DoNothingDeleter | |
DramArena | |
DropForeignServerCommand | |
DropForeignTableCommand | |
DropPolicyCommand | |
DummyPersistentForeignStorage | |
EnableBitmaskOps | |
Encoder | |
Epoch | |
EvaluateModelCommand | |
EventCb | |
ExecutionEngineWrapper | |
ExecutionKernel | |
ExecutionKernelDescriptor | |
ExecutionOptions | |
ExecutionResult | |
ExecutionUnitSql | |
Executor | |
CgenStateManager | |
ExecutorMutexHolder | |
FetchCacheAnchor | |
GroupColLLVMValue | |
JoinHashTableOrError | |
ExplainedQueryHint | |
ExplainInfo | |
ExpressionRange | |
ExtensionFunction | |
ExtensionFunctionBindingError | |
ExtensionFunctionsWhitelist | |
ExternalCall | |
ExternalQueryOutputSpec | |
ExternalQueryTable | |
ExtractedJoinInfo | |
ExtractedQueryPlanDag | |
ExtractExpr | |
FaceIJK | Face number and ijk coordinates on that face-centered coordinate system |
FaceOrientIJK | Information to transform into an adjacent face IJK system |
FailedToCreateBitmap | |
FailedToCreateFirstSlab | |
FailedToCreateSlab | |
FailedToFetchColumn | |
FailedToJoinOnVirtualColumn | |
FetchResult | |
FilterSelectivity | |
FixedLengthArrayNoneEncoder | |
FixedLengthEncoder | |
FixedWidthInt | |
FixedWidthReal | |
FixedWidthSmallDate | |
FixedWidthUnsigned | |
FlatBufferManager | |
BaseWorker | |
GeoPoint | |
GeoPointWorker | |
NestedArray | |
NestedArrayItem | |
NestedArrayWorker | |
For | |
ForeignStorageBuffer | |
ForeignStorageBufferMgr | |
ForeignStorageColumnBuffer | |
ForeignStorageInterface | |
Frag | |
FragmentsPerTable | |
FreeDeleter | |
Function | |
NamedArg | |
GenericKeyHandler | |
GeoBoundary | Cell boundary in latitude/longitude |
GeoConverterFactory | |
GeoConverterFactory< CONVERTER, typename std::enable_if_t< std::is_same_v< GeoPolygonValueConverter, CONVERTER >||std::is_same_v< GeoMultiPolygonValueConverter, CONVERTER > > > | |
GeoCoord | Latitude/longitude in radians |
Geofence | Similar to GeoBoundary, but requires more alloc work |
GeoJoinOperandsTableKeyPair | |
GeoLineStringStruct | |
GeoLineStringTargetValue | |
GeoLineStringTargetValuePtr | |
GeoLinestringValueConverter | |
GeoMultiLineStringStruct | |
GeoMultiLineStringTargetValue | |
GeoMultiLineStringTargetValuePtr | |
GeoMultiLinestringValueConverter | |
GeoMultiPointStruct | |
GeoMultiPointTargetValue | |
GeoMultiPointTargetValuePtr | |
GeoMultiPointValueConverter | |
GeoMultiPolygon | Simplified core of GeoJSON MultiPolygon coordinates definition |
GeoMultiPolygonStruct | |
GeoMultiPolygonValueConverter | |
GeoMultiPolyTargetValue | |
GeoMultiPolyTargetValuePtr | |
GeoPointStruct | |
GeoPointTargetValue | |
GeoPointTargetValuePtr | |
GeoPointValueConverter | |
GeoPolygon | Simplified core of GeoJSON Polygon coordinates definition |
GeoPolygonStruct | |
GeoPolygonValueConverter | |
GeoPolyTargetValue | |
GeoPolyTargetValuePtr | |
GeoRaster | |
GeoReturnTypeTraits | |
GeoReturnTypeTraits< ResultSet::GeoReturnType::GeoTargetValue, GEO_SOURCE_TYPE > | |
GeoReturnTypeTraits< ResultSet::GeoReturnType::GeoTargetValuePtr, GEO_SOURCE_TYPE > | |
GeoReturnTypeTraits< ResultSet::GeoReturnType::WktString, GEO_SOURCE_TYPE > | |
GeospatialFunctionFinder | |
GeoTargetValuePtrSerializer | |
GeoTargetValuePtrSerializer< kLINESTRING > | |
GeoTargetValuePtrSerializer< kMULTILINESTRING > | |
GeoTargetValuePtrSerializer< kMULTIPOINT > | |
GeoTargetValuePtrSerializer< kMULTIPOLYGON > | |
GeoTargetValuePtrSerializer< kPOINT > | |
GeoTargetValuePtrSerializer< kPOLYGON > | |
GeoTargetValueSerializer | |
GeoTargetValueSerializer< kLINESTRING > | |
GeoTargetValueSerializer< kMULTILINESTRING > | |
GeoTargetValueSerializer< kMULTIPOINT > | |
GeoTargetValueSerializer< kMULTIPOLYGON > | |
GeoTargetValueSerializer< kPOINT > | |
GeoTargetValueSerializer< kPOLYGON > | |
GeoWktSerializer | |
GeoWktSerializer< kLINESTRING > | |
GeoWktSerializer< kMULTILINESTRING > | |
GeoWktSerializer< kMULTIPOINT > | |
GeoWktSerializer< kMULTIPOLYGON > | |
GeoWktSerializer< kPOINT > | |
GeoWktSerializer< kPOLYGON > | |
GetElementPtr | |
GpuCompilationContext | |
GpuDeviceCompilationContext | |
GpuGroupByBuffers | |
GpuReductionHelperJIT | |
GpuSharedMemCodeBuilder | |
GpuSharedMemoryContext | |
Grantee | |
GroupByAndAggregate | |
GroupByBufferLayoutInfo | |
HashingSchemeRecycler | |
HashJoin | |
HashJoinFail | |
HashJoinMatchingSet | |
HashTable | |
HashtableAccessPathInfo | |
HashTableBuildDag | |
HashtableCacheMetaInfo | |
HashTableEntryInfo | |
HashtableRecycler | |
HeavyDBAggHandler | |
HeavyDBLeafHandler | |
HintIdentifier | |
HitTestTypes | |
HostArrayDatum | |
ICmp | |
InjectTimer | |
InnerOuterOrLoopQual | |
InputColDescriptor | |
InputDescriptor | |
InputTableInfo | |
InputTableInfoCache | |
InsecureAccessManager | |
InsertionOrderedMap | |
Iterator | |
Instruction | |
InternalTargetValue | |
Interval | |
Intervals | |
Iterator | |
InValuesBitmap | |
BitIsSetParams | |
is_null_order_entry | |
is_shared_ptr | |
is_shared_ptr< std::shared_ptr< T > > | |
is_taken_entry | |
JoinBucketInfo | |
JoinChunk | |
JoinColumn | |
JoinColumnIterator | Iterates over the rows of a JoinColumn across multiple fragments/chunks |
IndexedElement | |
JoinColumnTuple | |
Slice | |
JoinColumnTupleIterator | Iterates over the rows of a JoinColumnTuple across multiple fragments/chunks |
JoinColumnTyped | |
Slice | |
JoinColumnTypeInfo | |
JoinCondition | |
JoinCoveredQualVisitor | |
JoinHashTableTooBig | |
JoinInfo | |
JoinLoop | |
JoinLoopDomain | |
JoinTargetRebaser | |
KeyAccessor | |
KeyComparator | |
KeyFetcher | |
KeylessInfo | |
KeyReseter | |
LdapServer | |
LeafAggregator | |
LeafHostInfo | |
LinearRegressionModel | |
LinkDescriptor | Content in-memory of a row in the link metadata view |
LinkedGeoCoord | A coordinate node in a linked geo structure, part of a linked list |
LinkedGeoLoop | A loop node in a linked geo structure, part of a linked list |
LinkedGeoPolygon | A polygon node in a linked geo structure, part of a linked list |
Load | |
LruCache | |
LRUEvictionAlgorithm | |
MapDProgramOptions | |
MaxRangeTableIndexVisitor | |
measure | |
MemCpy | |
MLModelMap | |
MLModelMetadata | |
ModelInfo | |
ModifyManipulationTarget | |
NativeExecutionError | |
NeedsOneToManyHash | |
NoEntryFoundException | |
NoneEncoder | |
null_value_t | |
NullableValue | |