OmniSciDB  72c90bc290
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1 /*
2  * Copyright 2022 HEAVY.AI, Inc.
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
19 #include <array>
20 #include <string>
21 #include <unordered_set>
23 #include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
25 #include <ogrsf_frmts.h>
27 #include "Geospatial/GDAL.h"
28 #include "Geospatial/Types.h"
30 #include "QueryEngine/ResultSet.h"
31 #include "Shared/misc.h"
32 #include "Shared/scope.h"
34 namespace import_export {
37  : QueryExporter(file_type)
38  , gdal_dataset_{nullptr}
39  , ogr_layer_{nullptr}
40  , array_null_handling_{ArrayNullHandling::kAbortWithWarning} {}
43  cleanUp();
44 }
47  // close dataset
48  if (gdal_dataset_) {
49  GDALClose(gdal_dataset_);
50  gdal_dataset_ = nullptr;
51  }
53  // forget layer
54  ogr_layer_ = nullptr;
56  // forget field indices
57  field_indices_.clear();
58 }
60 #define SCI(x) static_cast<int>(x)
62 namespace {
64 static constexpr std::array<const char*, 5> driver_names = {"INVALID",
65  "GeoJSON",
66  "GeoJSONSeq",
67  "ESRI Shapefile",
68  "FlatGeobuf"};
70 static constexpr std::array<const char*, 5> file_type_names = {"CSV",
71  "GeoJSON",
72  "GeoJSONL",
73  "Shapefile",
74  "FlatGeobuf"};
76 static constexpr std::array<const char*, 3> compression_prefix = {"",
77  "/vsigzip/",
78  "/vsizip/"};
80 static constexpr std::array<const char*, 3> compression_suffix = {"", ".gz", ".zip"};
82 // this table is by file type then by compression type
83 // @TODO(se) implement more compression options
84 static constexpr std::array<std::array<bool, 3>, 5> compression_implemented = {
85  {{true, false, false}, // CSV: none
86  {true, true, false}, // GeoJSON: on-the-fly GZip only
87  {true, true, false}, // GeoJSONL: on-the-fly GZip only
88  {true, false, false}, // Shapefile: none
89  {true, false, false}}}; // FlatGeobuf: none
91 static std::array<std::unordered_set<std::string>, 5> file_type_valid_extensions = {
92  {{".csv", ".tsv"}, {".geojson", ".json"}, {".geojson", ".json"}, {".shp"}, {".fgb"}}};
94 OGRFieldType sql_type_info_to_ogr_field_type(const std::string& name,
95  const SQLTypeInfo& type_info,
96  const QueryExporter::FileType file_type) {
97  // store BOOLEAN as int
98  // store TIME as string (no OFTTimeList and Shapefiles reject OFTTime anyway)
99  // store all other time/date types as int64
100  // Shapefiles cannot store arrays of any type
101  switch (type_info.get_type()) {
102  case kBOOLEAN:
103  case kTINYINT:
104  case kINT:
105  case kSMALLINT:
106  return OFTInteger;
107  case kFLOAT:
108  case kDOUBLE:
109  case kNUMERIC:
110  case kDECIMAL:
111  return OFTReal;
112  case kCHAR:
113  case kVARCHAR:
114  case kTEXT:
115  case kTIME:
116  case kTIMESTAMP:
117  case kDATE:
118  return OFTString;
119  case kBIGINT:
122  return OFTInteger64;
123  case kARRAY:
124  if (file_type != QueryExporter::FileType::kShapefile &&
126  switch (type_info.get_subtype()) {
127  case kBOOLEAN:
128  case kTINYINT:
129  case kINT:
130  case kSMALLINT:
131  return OFTIntegerList;
132  case kFLOAT:
133  case kDOUBLE:
134  case kNUMERIC:
135  case kDECIMAL:
136  return OFTRealList;
137  case kCHAR:
138  case kVARCHAR:
139  case kTEXT:
140  case kTIME:
141  case kTIMESTAMP:
142  case kDATE:
143  return OFTStringList;
144  case kBIGINT:
147  return OFTInteger64List;
148  default:
149  break;
150  }
151  }
152  break;
153  default:
154  break;
155  }
156  throw std::runtime_error("Column '" + name + "' has unsupported type '" +
157  type_info.get_type_name() + "' for file type '" +
158  file_type_names[SCI(file_type)] + "'");
159 }
161 } // namespace
163 void QueryExporterGDAL::beginExport(const std::string& file_path,
164  const std::string& layer_name,
165  const CopyParams& copy_params,
166  const std::vector<TargetMetaInfo>& column_infos,
167  const FileCompression file_compression,
168  const ArrayNullHandling array_null_handling) {
169  validateFileExtensions(file_path,
173  // lazy init GDAL
176  // capture these
177  copy_params_ = copy_params;
178  array_null_handling_ = array_null_handling;
180  try {
181  // determine OGR geometry type and SRID and validate other column types
182  OGRwkbGeometryType ogr_geometry_type = wkbUnknown;
183  int num_geo_columns = 0;
184  int geo_column_srid = 0;
185  uint32_t num_columns = 0;
186  std::string geo_column_name;
187  for (auto const& column_info : column_infos) {
188  auto const& type_info = column_info.get_type_info();
189  if (type_info.is_geometry()) {
190  switch (type_info.get_type()) {
191  case kPOINT:
192  ogr_geometry_type = wkbPoint;
193  break;
194  case kMULTIPOINT:
195  ogr_geometry_type = wkbMultiPoint;
196  break;
197  case kLINESTRING:
198  ogr_geometry_type = wkbLineString;
199  break;
201  ogr_geometry_type = wkbMultiLineString;
202  break;
203  case kPOLYGON:
204  ogr_geometry_type = wkbPolygon;
205  break;
206  case kMULTIPOLYGON:
207  ogr_geometry_type = wkbMultiPolygon;
208  break;
209  default:
210  CHECK(false);
211  }
212  geo_column_srid = type_info.get_output_srid();
213  geo_column_name = safeColumnName(column_info.get_resname(), num_columns + 1);
214  num_geo_columns++;
215  } else {
216  auto column_name = safeColumnName(column_info.get_resname(), num_columns + 1);
217  // this will throw if column type is unsupported for this file type
218  sql_type_info_to_ogr_field_type(column_name, type_info, file_type_);
219  }
220  num_columns++;
221  }
222  if (num_geo_columns != 1) {
223  throw std::runtime_error("File type '" +
224  std::string(file_type_names[SCI(file_type_)]) +
225  "' requires exactly one geo column in query results");
226  }
228  // validate SRID
229  if (geo_column_srid <= 0) {
230  throw std::runtime_error("Geo column '" + geo_column_name + "' has invalid SRID (" +
231  std::to_string(geo_column_srid) +
232  "). Use ST_SetSRID() in query to override.");
233  }
235  // get driver
236  auto const& driver_name = driver_names[SCI(file_type_)];
237  auto gdal_driver = GetGDALDriverManager()->GetDriverByName(driver_name);
238  if (gdal_driver == nullptr) {
239  throw std::runtime_error("Failed to find Driver '" + std::string(driver_name) +
240  "'");
241  }
243  // compression?
244  auto gdal_file_path{file_path};
245  auto user_file_path{file_path};
246  if (file_compression != FileCompression::kNone) {
247  auto impl = compression_implemented[SCI(file_type_)][SCI(file_compression)];
248  if (!impl) {
249  // @TODO(se) implement more compression options
250  throw std::runtime_error(
251  "Selected file compression option not yet supported for file type '" +
252  std::string(file_type_names[SCI(file_type_)]) + "'");
253  }
254  gdal_file_path.insert(0, compression_prefix[SCI(file_compression)]);
255  gdal_file_path.append(compression_suffix[SCI(file_compression)]);
256  user_file_path.append(compression_suffix[SCI(file_compression)]);
257  }
259  // delete any existing file(s) (with and without compression suffix)
260  // GeoJSON driver occasionally refuses to overwrite
261  auto remove_file = [](const std::string& filename) {
262  if (boost::filesystem::exists(filename)) {
263  LOG(INFO) << "Deleting existing file '" << filename << "'";
264  boost::filesystem::remove(filename);
265  }
266  };
267  remove_file(file_path);
268  remove_file(user_file_path);
270  LOG(INFO) << "Exporting to file '" << user_file_path << "'";
272  // create dataset
273  gdal_dataset_ =
274  gdal_driver->Create(gdal_file_path.c_str(), 0, 0, 0, GDT_Unknown, NULL);
275  if (gdal_dataset_ == nullptr) {
276  throw std::runtime_error("Failed to create File '" + file_path + "'");
277  }
279  // create spatial reference
280  OGRSpatialReference ogr_spatial_reference;
281  if (ogr_spatial_reference.importFromEPSG(geo_column_srid)) {
282  throw std::runtime_error("Failed to create Spatial Reference for SRID " +
283  std::to_string(geo_column_srid) + "");
284  }
286  ogr_spatial_reference.SetAxisMappingStrategy(OAMS_TRADITIONAL_GIS_ORDER);
287 #endif
289  // create layer
290  ogr_layer_ = gdal_dataset_->CreateLayer(
291  layer_name.c_str(), &ogr_spatial_reference, ogr_geometry_type, NULL);
292  if (ogr_layer_ == nullptr) {
293  throw std::runtime_error("Failed to create Layer '" + layer_name + "'");
294  }
296  // create fields
297  int column_index = 0;
298  int field_index = 0;
299  field_indices_.resize(num_columns);
300  for (auto const& column_info : column_infos) {
301  auto column_name = safeColumnName(column_info.get_resname(), column_index + 1);
302  // create fields for non-geo columns
303  auto const& type_info = column_info.get_type_info();
304  if (!type_info.is_geometry()) {
305  OGRFieldDefn field_defn(
306  column_name.c_str(),
307  sql_type_info_to_ogr_field_type(column_name, type_info, file_type_));
308  if (ogr_layer_->CreateField(&field_defn) != OGRERR_NONE) {
309  throw std::runtime_error("Failed to create Field '" + column_name + "'");
310  }
311  field_indices_[column_index] = field_index;
312  field_index++;
313  } else {
314  field_indices_[column_index] = -1;
315  }
316  column_index++;
317  }
318  } catch (std::exception& e) {
319  LOG(INFO) << "GDAL Query Export failed to start: " << e.what();
320  cleanUp();
321  throw;
322  }
323 }
325 namespace {
328  const SQLTypeInfo& ti,
329  const int field_index,
330  OGRFeature* ogr_feature) {
331  CHECK_EQ(field_index, -1);
332  CHECK(ti.is_geometry());
334  // use Geo classes to convert to OGRGeometry
335  // and destroy when Geo object goes out of scope
336  switch (ti.get_type()) {
337  case kPOINT: {
338  auto const point_tv = boost::get<GeoPointTargetValue>(geo_tv->get());
339  auto* coords = point_tv.coords.get();
340  CHECK(coords);
341  Geospatial::GeoPoint point(*coords);
342  ogr_feature->SetGeometry(point.getOGRGeometry());
343  } break;
344  case kMULTIPOINT: {
345  auto const multipoint_tv = boost::get<GeoMultiPointTargetValue>(geo_tv->get());
346  auto* coords = multipoint_tv.coords.get();
347  CHECK(coords);
348  Geospatial::GeoMultiPoint multipoint(*coords);
349  ogr_feature->SetGeometry(multipoint.getOGRGeometry());
350  } break;
351  case kLINESTRING: {
352  auto const linestring_tv = boost::get<GeoLineStringTargetValue>(geo_tv->get());
353  auto* coords = linestring_tv.coords.get();
354  CHECK(coords);
355  Geospatial::GeoLineString linestring(*coords);
356  ogr_feature->SetGeometry(linestring.getOGRGeometry());
357  } break;
359  auto const multilinestring_tv =
360  boost::get<GeoMultiLineStringTargetValue>(geo_tv->get());
361  auto* coords = multilinestring_tv.coords.get();
362  CHECK(coords);
363  auto* linestring_sizes = multilinestring_tv.linestring_sizes.get();
364  CHECK(linestring_sizes);
365  Geospatial::GeoMultiLineString multilinestring(*coords, *linestring_sizes);
366  ogr_feature->SetGeometry(multilinestring.getOGRGeometry());
367  } break;
368  case kPOLYGON: {
369  auto const polygon_tv = boost::get<GeoPolyTargetValue>(geo_tv->get());
370  auto* coords = polygon_tv.coords.get();
371  CHECK(coords);
372  auto* ring_sizes = polygon_tv.ring_sizes.get();
373  CHECK(ring_sizes);
374  Geospatial::GeoPolygon polygon(*coords, *ring_sizes);
375  ogr_feature->SetGeometry(polygon.getOGRGeometry());
376  } break;
377  case kMULTIPOLYGON: {
378  auto const multipolygon_tv = boost::get<GeoMultiPolyTargetValue>(geo_tv->get());
379  auto* coords = multipolygon_tv.coords.get();
380  CHECK(coords);
381  auto* ring_sizes = multipolygon_tv.ring_sizes.get();
382  CHECK(ring_sizes);
383  auto* poly_rings = multipolygon_tv.poly_rings.get();
384  CHECK(poly_rings);
385  Geospatial::GeoMultiPolygon multipolygon(*coords, *ring_sizes, *poly_rings);
386  ogr_feature->SetGeometry(multipolygon.getOGRGeometry());
387  } break;
388  default:
389  CHECK(false);
390  }
391 }
394  const SQLTypeInfo& ti,
395  const int field_index,
396  OGRFeature* ogr_feature) {
397  CHECK_GE(field_index, 0);
398  CHECK(!ti.is_geometry());
400  auto field_type = ogr_feature->GetFieldDefnRef(field_index)->GetType();
402  bool is_null{false};
403  if (boost::get<int64_t>(scalar_tv)) {
404  auto int_val = *(boost::get<int64_t>(scalar_tv));
405  bool is_int64 = false;
406  switch (ti.get_type()) {
407  case kBOOLEAN:
408  is_null = (int_val == NULL_BOOLEAN);
409  break;
410  case kTINYINT:
411  is_null = (int_val == NULL_TINYINT);
412  break;
413  case kSMALLINT:
414  is_null = (int_val == NULL_SMALLINT);
415  break;
416  case kINT:
417  is_null = (int_val == NULL_INT);
418  break;
419  case kBIGINT:
420  is_null = (int_val == NULL_BIGINT);
421  is_int64 = true;
422  break;
423  case kTIME:
424  case kTIMESTAMP:
425  case kDATE:
426  is_null = (int_val == NULL_BIGINT);
427  is_int64 = true;
428  break;
429  default:
430  is_null = false;
431  }
432  if (is_null) {
433  ogr_feature->SetFieldNull(field_index);
434  } else if (ti.is_time()) {
435  CHECK_EQ(field_type, OFTString);
436  auto str = shared::convert_temporal_to_iso_format(ti, int_val);
437  ogr_feature->SetField(field_index, str.c_str());
438  } else if (is_int64) {
439  CHECK_EQ(field_type, OFTInteger64);
440  ogr_feature->SetField(field_index, static_cast<GIntBig>(int_val));
441  } else {
442  CHECK_EQ(field_type, OFTInteger);
443  ogr_feature->SetField(field_index, SCI(int_val));
444  }
445  } else if (boost::get<double>(scalar_tv)) {
446  auto real_val = *(boost::get<double>(scalar_tv));
447  if (ti.get_type() == kFLOAT) {
448  is_null = (real_val == NULL_FLOAT);
449  } else {
450  is_null = (real_val == NULL_DOUBLE);
451  }
452  if (is_null) {
453  ogr_feature->SetFieldNull(field_index);
454  } else {
455  CHECK_EQ(field_type, OFTReal);
456  ogr_feature->SetField(field_index, real_val);
457  }
458  } else if (boost::get<float>(scalar_tv)) {
459  CHECK_EQ(kFLOAT, ti.get_type());
460  auto real_val = *(boost::get<float>(scalar_tv));
461  if (real_val == NULL_FLOAT) {
462  ogr_feature->SetFieldNull(field_index);
463  } else {
464  CHECK_EQ(field_type, OFTReal);
465  ogr_feature->SetField(field_index, real_val);
466  }
467  } else {
468  auto s = boost::get<NullableString>(scalar_tv);
469  is_null = !s || boost::get<void*>(s);
470  if (is_null) {
471  ogr_feature->SetFieldNull(field_index);
472  } else {
473  CHECK_EQ(field_type, OFTString);
474  auto s_notnull = boost::get<std::string>(s);
475  CHECK(s_notnull);
476  ogr_feature->SetField(field_index, s_notnull->c_str());
477  }
478  }
479 }
482  const SQLTypeInfo& ti,
483  const int field_index,
484  OGRFeature* ogr_feature,
485  const std::string& column_name,
486  QueryExporter::ArrayNullHandling array_null_handling) {
487  CHECK_GE(field_index, 0);
488  CHECK(!ti.is_geometry());
490  if (!array_tv->is_initialized()) {
491  // entire array is null
492  ogr_feature->SetFieldNull(field_index);
493  return;
494  }
496  auto const& scalar_tvs = array_tv->get();
498  auto field_type = ogr_feature->GetFieldDefnRef(field_index)->GetType();
500  // only one of these will get used
501  // could use a std::vector<ScalarTargetValue> but need raw data at the end
502  // so we would have to extract it there anyway, so not sure it's worthwhile
503  // we can, at least, pre-reserve whichever array we're going to use
504  std::vector<int> int_values;
505  std::vector<GIntBig> int64_values;
506  std::vector<std::string> string_values;
507  std::vector<double> real_values;
508  switch (field_type) {
509  case OFTIntegerList:
510  int_values.reserve(scalar_tvs.size());
511  break;
512  case OFTInteger64List:
513  int64_values.reserve(scalar_tvs.size());
514  break;
515  case OFTRealList:
516  real_values.reserve(scalar_tvs.size());
517  break;
518  case OFTStringList:
519  string_values.reserve(scalar_tvs.size());
520  break;
521  default:
522  CHECK(false);
523  }
525  bool force_null_to_zero =
526  (array_null_handling == QueryExporter::ArrayNullHandling::kExportZeros);
528  // now extract the data
529  bool any_null = false;
530  for (uint32_t i = 0; i < scalar_tvs.size(); i++) {
531  bool is_null = false;
532  auto const scalar_tv = &scalar_tvs[i];
533  if (boost::get<int64_t>(scalar_tv)) {
534  auto int_val = *(boost::get<int64_t>(scalar_tv));
535  bool is_int64 = false;
536  switch (ti.get_subtype()) {
537  case kBOOLEAN:
538  is_null = (int_val == NULL_BOOLEAN);
539  break;
540  case kTINYINT:
541  is_null = (int_val == NULL_TINYINT);
542  break;
543  case kSMALLINT:
544  is_null = (int_val == NULL_SMALLINT);
545  break;
546  case kINT:
547  is_null = (int_val == NULL_INT);
548  break;
549  case kBIGINT:
550  is_null = (int_val == NULL_BIGINT);
551  is_int64 = true;
552  break;
553  case kTIME:
554  case kTIMESTAMP:
555  case kDATE:
556  is_null = (int_val == NULL_BIGINT);
557  is_int64 = true;
558  break;
559  default:
560  is_null = false;
561  }
562  if (ti.get_elem_type().is_time()) {
563  if (is_null) {
564  string_values.emplace_back("");
565  } else {
566  string_values.emplace_back(
568  }
569  } else if (is_int64) {
570  if (is_null && force_null_to_zero) {
571  int64_values.push_back(0);
572  } else {
573  int64_values.push_back(int_val);
574  }
575  } else {
576  if (is_null && force_null_to_zero) {
577  int_values.push_back(0);
578  } else {
579  int_values.push_back(int_val);
580  }
581  }
582  } else if (boost::get<double>(scalar_tv)) {
583  auto real_val = *(boost::get<double>(scalar_tv));
584  if (ti.get_subtype() == kFLOAT) {
585  is_null = (real_val == NULL_FLOAT);
586  } else {
587  is_null = (real_val == NULL_DOUBLE);
588  }
589  if (is_null && force_null_to_zero) {
590  real_values.push_back(0.0);
591  } else {
592  real_values.push_back(real_val);
593  }
594  } else if (boost::get<float>(scalar_tv)) {
595  CHECK_EQ(kFLOAT, ti.get_subtype());
596  auto real_val = *(boost::get<float>(scalar_tv));
597  is_null = (real_val == NULL_FLOAT);
598  if (is_null && force_null_to_zero) {
599  real_values.push_back(0.0);
600  } else {
601  real_values.push_back(static_cast<double>(real_val));
602  }
603  } else {
604  auto s = boost::get<NullableString>(scalar_tv);
605  is_null = !s || boost::get<void*>(s);
606  if (is_null) {
607  string_values.emplace_back("");
608  } else {
609  auto s_notnull = boost::get<std::string>(s);
610  CHECK(s_notnull);
611  string_values.emplace_back(s_notnull->c_str());
612  }
613  }
614  any_null |= is_null;
615  }
617  // special behaviour if we found any individual nulls?
618  if (any_null) {
619  switch (array_null_handling) {
621  throw std::runtime_error(
622  "Found individual nulls in Array Column '" + column_name + "' of type '" +
623  ti.get_type_name() +
624  "'. Use 'array_null_handling' Export Option to specify behaviour.");
626  ogr_feature->SetFieldNull(field_index);
627  return;
628  default:
629  break;
630  }
631  }
633  // store the captured array in the feature
634  switch (field_type) {
635  case OFTIntegerList:
636  ogr_feature->SetField(field_index, int_values.size(),;
637  break;
638  case OFTInteger64List:
639  ogr_feature->SetField(field_index, int64_values.size(),;
640  break;
641  case OFTRealList:
642  ogr_feature->SetField(field_index, real_values.size(),;
643  break;
644  case OFTStringList: {
645  std::vector<const char*> raw_strings;
646  raw_strings.reserve(string_values.size() + 1);
647  for (auto const& string_value : string_values) {
648  raw_strings.push_back(string_value.c_str());
649  }
650  raw_strings.push_back(nullptr);
651  ogr_feature->SetField(field_index,;
652  } break;
653  default:
654  CHECK(false);
655  }
656 }
658 } // namespace
661  const std::vector<AggregatedResult>& query_results) {
662  try {
663  for (auto const& agg_result : query_results) {
664  auto results =;
665  auto const& targets = agg_result.targets_meta;
667  // configure ResultSet to return geo as raw data
668  results->setGeoReturnType(ResultSet::GeoReturnType::GeoTargetValue);
670  while (true) {
671  auto const crt_row = results->getNextRow(true, true);
672  if (crt_row.empty()) {
673  break;
674  }
676  // create feature for this row
677  auto ogr_feature = OGRFeature::CreateFeature(ogr_layer_->GetLayerDefn());
678  CHECK(ogr_feature);
680  // destroy feature on exiting this scope
681  ScopeGuard destroy_feature = [ogr_feature] {
682  OGRFeature::DestroyFeature(ogr_feature);
683  };
685  for (size_t i = 0; i < results->colCount(); ++i) {
686  auto const tv = crt_row[i];
687  auto const& ti = targets[i].get_type_info();
688  auto const column_name = safeColumnName(targets[i].get_resname(), i + 1);
689  auto const field_index = field_indices_[i];
691  // insert this column into the feature
692  auto const scalar_tv = boost::get<ScalarTargetValue>(&tv);
693  if (scalar_tv) {
694  insert_scalar_column(scalar_tv, ti, field_index, ogr_feature);
695  } else {
696  auto const array_tv = boost::get<ArrayTargetValue>(&tv);
697  if (array_tv) {
698  insert_array_column(array_tv,
699  ti,
700  field_index,
701  ogr_feature,
702  column_name,
704  } else {
705  auto const geo_tv = boost::get<GeoTargetValue>(&tv);
706  if (geo_tv && geo_tv->is_initialized()) {
707  insert_geo_column(geo_tv, ti, field_index, ogr_feature);
708  } else {
709  ogr_feature->SetGeometry(nullptr);
710  }
711  }
712  }
713  }
715  // add feature to layer
716  if (ogr_layer_->CreateFeature(ogr_feature) != OGRERR_NONE) {
717  throw std::runtime_error("Failed to create Feature");
718  }
719  }
720  }
721  } catch (std::exception& e) {
722  LOG(INFO) << "GDAL Query Export failed: " << e.what();
723  cleanUp();
724  throw;
725  }
726 }
729  cleanUp();
730 }
732 } // namespace import_export
HOST DEVICE SQLTypes get_subtype() const
Definition: sqltypes.h:392
#define CHECK_EQ(x, y)
Definition: Logger.h:301
static constexpr std::array< const char *, 5 > file_type_names
Definition: sqltypes.h:76
const OGRGeometry * getOGRGeometry() const
Definition: Types.h:80
#define NULL_FLOAT
static constexpr std::array< std::array< bool, 3 >, 5 > compression_implemented
std::string convert_temporal_to_iso_format(const SQLTypeInfo &type_info, int64_t unix_time)
Definition: misc.cpp:109
#define LOG(tag)
Definition: Logger.h:285
void insert_array_column(const ArrayTargetValue *array_tv, const SQLTypeInfo &ti, const int field_index, OGRFeature *ogr_feature, const std::string &column_name, QueryExporter::ArrayNullHandling array_null_handling)
std::string safeColumnName(const std::string &resname, const int column_index)
#define CHECK_GE(x, y)
Definition: Logger.h:306
void beginExport(const std::string &file_path, const std::string &layer_name, const CopyParams &copy_params, const std::vector< TargetMetaInfo > &column_infos, const FileCompression file_compression, const ArrayNullHandling array_null_handling) final
static void init()
Definition: GDAL.cpp:67
HOST DEVICE SQLTypes get_type() const
Definition: sqltypes.h:391
bool is_time() const
Definition: sqltypes.h:577
#define SCI(x)
std::string to_string(char const *&&v)
static std::array< std::unordered_set< std::string >, 5 > file_type_valid_extensions
#define NULL_INT
static constexpr std::array< const char *, 3 > compression_prefix
OGRFieldType sql_type_info_to_ogr_field_type(const std::string &name, const SQLTypeInfo &type_info, const QueryExporter::FileType file_type)
CONSTEXPR DEVICE bool is_null(const T &value)
boost::optional< std::vector< ScalarTargetValue >> ArrayTargetValue
Definition: TargetValue.h:181
boost::optional< boost::variant< GeoPointTargetValue, GeoMultiPointTargetValue, GeoLineStringTargetValue, GeoMultiLineStringTargetValue, GeoPolyTargetValue, GeoMultiPolyTargetValue >> GeoTargetValue
Definition: TargetValue.h:187
void insert_geo_column(const GeoTargetValue *geo_tv, const SQLTypeInfo &ti, const int field_index, OGRFeature *ogr_feature)
void exportResults(const std::vector< AggregatedResult > &query_results) final
Definition: sqltypes.h:79
Definition: sqltypes.h:80
static constexpr std::array< const char *, 3 > compression_suffix
void insert_scalar_column(const ScalarTargetValue *scalar_tv, const SQLTypeInfo &ti, const int field_index, OGRFeature *ogr_feature)
std::string get_type_name() const
Definition: sqltypes.h:482
Definition: sqltypes.h:68
#define CHECK(condition)
Definition: Logger.h:291
bool is_geometry() const
Definition: sqltypes.h:595
Basic constructors and methods of the row set interface.
Definition: sqltypes.h:72
string name
SQLTypeInfo get_elem_type() const
Definition: sqltypes.h:975
void validateFileExtensions(const std::string &file_path, const std::string &file_type, const std::unordered_set< std::string > &valid_extensions) const
static constexpr std::array< const char *, 5 > driver_names
boost::variant< int64_t, double, float, NullableString > ScalarTargetValue
Definition: TargetValue.h:180