Definition at line 38 of file
dictionary heavydb.thrift.ttypes.TSourceType._NAMES_TO_VALUES |
staticprivate |
Initial value:
Definition at line 53 of file
dictionary heavydb.thrift.ttypes.TSourceType._VALUES_TO_NAMES |
staticprivate |
Initial value:
Definition at line 45 of file
int heavydb.thrift.ttypes.TSourceType.DELIMITED_FILE = 0 |
static |
int heavydb.thrift.ttypes.TSourceType.GEO_FILE = 1 |
static |
int heavydb.thrift.ttypes.TSourceType.ODBC = 4 |
static |
int heavydb.thrift.ttypes.TSourceType.PARQUET_FILE = 2 |
static |
int heavydb.thrift.ttypes.TSourceType.RASTER_FILE = 3 |
static |
The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
- /home/jenkins-slave/workspace/core-os-doxygen/python/heavydb/thrift/