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Array< T > Member List

This is the complete list of members for Array< T >, including all inherited members.

Array(T *ptr, const int64_t size, const bool is_null=false)Array< T >inline
Array()Array< T >inline
Array(M &mgr, const int64_t size, const bool is_null=false)Array< T >inline
Array(const int64_t size, const bool is_null=false)Array< T >inline
Array(const flatbuffer::Array< T > &arr)Array< T >inline
data() const Array< T >inline
getSize() const Array< T >inline
is_null_Array< T >
isNull() const Array< T >inline
isNull(const unsigned int index) const Array< T >inline
null_value() const Array< T >inline
operator()(const unsigned int index) const Array< T >inline
operator==(const Array &other) const Array< T >inline
operator[](const unsigned int index)Array< T >inline
operator[](const unsigned int index) const Array< T >inline
ptr_Array< T >
size() const Array< T >inline
size_Array< T >
toString() const Array< T >inline